Kinds of Love in Sanskrit
"Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love; ancient Persian has eighty; Greek three; and English simply one."
- Robert Johnson, The Fisher King and The Handless Maiden.
“Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love; ancient Persian has eighty, Greek three, and English only one. This is indicative of the poverty of awareness or emphasis that we give to that tremendously important realm of feeling. Eskimos have thirty words for snow, because it is a life-and death matter to them to have exact information about the element they live with so intimately. If we had a vocabulary of thirty words for love ... we would immediately be richer and more intelligent in this human element so close to our heart. An Eskimo probably would die of clumsiness if he had only one word for snow; we are close to dying of loneliness because we have only one word for love. Of all the Western languages, English may be the most lacking when it come to feeling.” - Robert Johnson, Fisher King, p. 6
Here are some of them1 aṅgaja (love) 2 anaṅga (love) 3 anaṅgalekhā (love) 4 anurakti (love) 5 anurañjana (love) 6 anurāga (love) 7anurāgavat (love) 8 anurāgin (love) 9 anuragitā (love) 10 anurati (love) 11 anurudh (love) 12 apahnava (love)13 apāṅga (love) 14 abhikam (love) 15 abhimatatā (love) 16 abhihary (love) 17 ayugmasara (love) 18 avasāda (love) 19 avaskanna (love) 20 avyāpyavṛtti (love) 21 aspanda (love) 22 ākā (love) 23 āsaktabhāva (love)24 irāja (love) 25 ī (love) 26 īśvara (love) 27 ujjvala (love) 28 utkaṇṭhita (love) 29 utkvath (love) 30 unmadana(love) 31 kaṃjasū (love) 32 kañjana (love) 33 kaṭākṣaviśikha (love) 34 kantu (love) 35 kandarpa (love) 36kandarpakūpa (love) 37 kam (love) 38 kamra (love) 39 karva (love) 40 kā (love) 41 kānti (love) 42 kāma(love) 43 kāmena (love) 44 kāmāya (love) 45 kāme (love) 46 kāmakeli (love) 47 kāmataru (love) 48 kāmatāla(love) 49 kāmadaminī (love) 50 kāmadahana (love) 51 kāmadeva (love) 52 kāmadevatva (love) 53kāmadevamaya (love) 54 kāmadhvaṃsin (love) 55 kāmabaddha (love) 56 kāmabāṇa (love) 57 kāmamañjarī(love) 58 kāmamardana (love) 59 kāmamaha (love) 60 kāmamūta (love) 61 kāmamohita (love) 62 kāmarasa(love) 63 kāmavat (love) 64 kāmavallabha (love) 65 kāmavaśa (love) 66 kāmavaśya (love) 67 kāmaviddha(love) 68 kāmaśara (love) 69 kāmaśalya (love) 70 kāmaśāstra (love) 71 kāmasūtra (love) 72 kāmāgni (love)73 kāmāgnisaṃdīpana (love) 74 kāmāṅkuśa (love) 75 kāmātura (love) 76 kāmādhiṣṭhita (love) 77 kāmānala(love) 78 kāmāndha (love) 79 kāmāyudha (love) 80 kāmāri (love) 81 kāmārta (love) 82 kāmārthin (love) 83kāmāśrama (love) 84 kāmāsakta (love) 85 kāmāsakti (love) 86 kāmonmatta (love) 87 kāmopahatacittāṅga(love) 88 kāmayā (love) 89 kāmitā (love) 90 kāmitva (love) 91 kāmin (love) 92 kāmuka (love) 93 kārṣṇi (love)94 kiṅkira (love) 95 kiṅkirāta (love) 96 kunta (love) 97 kusumakārmuka (love) 98 kusumabāṇa (love) 99kusumamārgaṇa (love) 100 kusumāyudha (love)
áṅga--ja [p= 7,3] [L=1526]produced from or on the body , ornamental L.
áṅga--ja [L=1527.1]
a son L.
áṅga--ja [L=1534]
(H3) | mfn. |
[L=1527] | produced by a supplementary ceremony |
(H3B) | m. |
[L=1528] | hair of the head |
[L=1529] | the god of love |
[L=1530] | intoxicating passion |
[L=1531] | drunkenness |
[L=1532] | a disease |
(H3B) | n. |
an-aṅgá [p= 24,2] [L=4816](ā)n. bodiless , incorporealan-aṅgá [L=4817]
N. of kāma (god of love , so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of śiva , for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love forpārvatī)an-aṅgá [L=4818]
the ether , air , sky L.
an-aṅgá [L=4819]
the mind L.
an-aṅgá [L=4820]
that which is not the aṅga.anaṅga [p= 1311,1] [L=304490]
(H1) | mf |
(H1B) | m. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H2) | (in |
an-aṅgá--lekhā [p= 24,2] [L=4827]a love letter
of a queen of Kashmir.
(H3) | f. |
[L=4828] | N. |
anu-rakti [p= 37,2] [L=7077]affection , love , devotion.
(H2) | f. |
anu-rañjana [L=7079]the act of attaching or conciliating affection , love
(H2) | n. |
[L=7080] | pleasing. |
anu-rāga [L=7082]attachment , affection , love , passion
S3is3. ix , 8 , &c
(H2) | m. |
[L=7083] | red colour |
anu-rāga--vat [L=7084]affectionate , attached , in love with
S3is3. ix , 10 &c
(H3) | mfn. |
[L=7085] | red |
anu-rāgin [L=7087]impassioned , attached
(H2) | mfn. |
[L=7088] | causing love |
anuragi-tā [L=7090]the state of being in love with.
(H3) | f. |
anu-rati [p= 37,3] [L=7097]love , affection
(H2) | f. |
[L=7098] | attachment. |
anu- √ rudh 1 [L=7123]MBh. xiii , 1649 ;
to surround , confine , overcome BhP. &c ;
cl.4 A1. -rudhyate or ep. P. -rudhyati (2. sg. -rudhyase RV. viii , 43 , 9 , &c ) , to adhere to , be fond of , love ;
to coax , soothe , entreat.anu-rúdh 2 [L=7127]
adhering to , loving VS. xxx , 9 (cf. anū-rúdh.)
(H1) | to bar (as a way) |
(H2) | mfn. |
apa-hnavá [p= 53,3] [L=9933]concealment , denial of or turning off of the truth
apa-hnuti Sa1h.
(H2) | m. |
[L=9934] | dissimulation , appeasing , satisfying |
[L=9935] | affection , love |
[L=9936] | = |
apā* ṅga [p= 54,1] [L=9967]without limbs or without a body L.
apā* ṅga [L=9968]
(ifc. f(ā or ī).) the outer corner of the eye S3a1k. &c
apā* ṅga [L=9969]
a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead R.
apā* ṅga [L=9970]
N. of kāma (the god of love) L.
apā* ṅga [L=9971]
= apā*mārgá L.
(H1) | mfn. |
(H1B) | m. |
(H1B) | m. |
(H1B) | m. |
(H1B) | m. |
abhi- √ kam [p= 61,1] [L=11198]fut. -kamiṣyate) to desire , love TBr. : Caus. -kāmayate id. MBh. BhP.
(H1) | ( |
abhi-mata--tā [p= 67,1] [L=11999]agreeableness , desirableness
(H3) | f. |
[L=12000] | desire , love. |
abhi- √ hary [p= 74,1] [L=12942]pl. -háryanti ; Subj. A1. -haryata [ AV. iii , 30 , 1]) to wish anything to be near , call it near TS. ;
to like , love RV. x , 112 , 6 AV. ;
(-haryati) S3Br. xiv (cf. abhi- √hṛ , Caus. Pass.)
(H1) | (3. |
a-yugma--sara [p= 85,3] [L=14914]" having an odd number of arrows (i.e. five) " , N. of the god of love Das3.
(H3) | m. |
ava-sāda [p= 105,1] [L=18246]sinking (as of a chair) Sus3r.
L. (cf. nir-av°.)ava-sāda [L=18270]
» ava- √sad.
(H2) | m. |
[L=18247] | the growing faint (as of a sound) |
[L=18248] | failing exhaustion , fatigue , lassitude |
[L=18249] | defeat |
[L=18250] | want of energy or spirit (especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love) |
[L=18251] | (in law) badness of a cause |
[L=18252] | end , termination |
(H1) | &c |
ava-skanna [p= 105,3] [L=18367]spilt (as semen virile) Hariv. 1786
R. vi , 95 , 41
(H2) | mfn. |
[L=18368] | " attacked " , overpowered (as by love) |
a-vyāpya--vṛtti [p= 112,1] [L=19375]being of limited application , of partial inherence (with reference to place and time , as pain , pleasure , love , hatred , virtue , vice , &c )
(H3) | mfn. |
a-spanda [p= 123,1] [L=21457]not quivering or moving , fixed , uttaras. Ra1jat.
(H1) | mfn. |
[L=21458] | unvariable (as love) |
ā- √ kā [p= 126,3] [L=22082]perf. A1. 1. and 3. sg. -caké) to endeavour to obtain , desire , love RV. : Intens. (Impv. 3. pl. -cakantu ; cf. ā- √kan) to be pleased with (loc.) RV. i , 122 , 14.
(H1) | ( |
ā-sakta--bhāva [p= 160,1] [L=27922]having one's affection fixed on , being in love with Das3.
(H3) | mfn. |
írā--ja [p= 168,1] [L=29361]" born from water " , N. of kāma , god of love.
(H3) | m. |
ī 1 [p= 170,1] [L=29689]i long , and having the sound of ee in feel.ī 2 [L=29691]
N. of kandarpa , the god of love L.
ī 2 [L=29692]
(ī or īs) N. of lakṣmī L. ([also in MBh. xiii 1220, according to Ni1lak. (who reads puṇyacañcur ī)]).ī 3 [L=29693]
an interjection of pain or anger
ī 4 [L=29694]
i. » 5. i.
(H1) | the fourth letter of the alphabet , corresponding to |
(H1) | m. |
(H1B) | f. |
(H1) | ind. |
[L=29693.1] | a particle implying consciousness or perception , consideration , compassion. |
(H1) | for √ |
īśvará [p= 171,1] [L=29881]able to do , capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf. , or with common inf.) , liable , exposed to AV.TS. S3Br. AitBr. Kum. Hit. &c
īśvará [L=29882]
(ī). master , lord , prince , king , mistress , queen AV. S3Br. Ragh. Mn. &c
īśvará [L=29883]
a husband MBh.
īśvará [L=29884]
Godīśvará [L=29885]
the Supreme Being Mn. Sus3r. Ya1jn5. &c
īśvará [L=29886]
the supreme soul (ātman)īśvará [L=29887]
īśvará [L=29888]
one of the rudrasīśvará [L=29889]
the god of loveīśvará [L=29890]
N. of a princeīśvará [L=29891]
the number " eleven "īśvará [L=29892]
(ā or ī). N. of durgā
īśvará [L=29893]
of lakṣmī
īśvará [L=29894]
of any other of the śaktis or female energies of the deitiesīśvará [L=29895]
N. of several plants L.
īśvara [p= 1321,1] [L=321720]
(H2) | mfn. |
(H2B) | mf |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | mf |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2) | (in |
uj-jvala [p= 174,3] [L=30575]blazing up , luminous , splendid , light
Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s. Sa1h. &c
uj-jvala [L=30582]
love , passion L.
uj-jvala [L=30583]
gold L.
uj-jvala [L=30585]
a form of the jagatī metre.
(H2) | mfn. |
[L=30576] | burning |
[L=30577] | clean , clear |
[L=30578] | lovely , beautiful |
[L=30579] | glorious |
[L=30580] | full-blown |
[L=30581] | expanded |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | n. |
(H2B) | n. |
utkaṇṭhita [p= 175,3] [L=30744]lifting up the neck
R. Das3. Vikr. &c
(H2) | mfn. |
[L=30745] | longing for , regretting , sorrowing for |
[L=30746] | in love |
ut- √ kvath [p= 177,1] [L=30964]ud- √ kvath) P. -kvathati , to boil out , extract by boiling &c Sus3r. : Pass. -kvathyate , to be boiled ;
to be consumed (by the ardour of love) Ka1d. 176 , 3 : Caus. -kvāthayati , to boil out Sus3r.
(H1) | ( |
un-madana [p= 193,3] [L=33932]inflamed with love Kum.
(H2) | mfn. |
kaṃ-ja--sū [p= 243,2] [L=41875]the god of love L.
(H3) | m. |
kañjana [L=41877]id. L.
of kāma , the god of love L.
(H2) | m. |
[L=41878] | N. |
kaṭā* kṣa---viśikha [p= 243,3] [L=41965]an arrow-like look of love Bhartr2.
(H4) | m. |
kantu [p= 249,2] [L=43173]id. ib.
kantu [L=43174]
(fr. √kam Un2. i , 28 ; 73), love , the god of lovekantu [L=43175]
the mind , heart Comm. on Un2.
kantu [L=43176]
a granary L.
kantu [p= 252,1] [L=43766]
id. T.
(H2) | mfn. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H3) | mfn. |
kandarpa [p= 249,3] [L=43247](etym. doubtful ; according to some fr. kaṃ-darpa , " inflamer even of a god " » 3. ka , or " of great wantonness ") , N. of kāma (q.v.) , love , lust MBh. Bhag. Sus3r. &c
rāga (q.v.)
of a man Katha1s.
(H1) | m. |
[L=43248] | (in mus.) a particular |
[L=43249] | a kind of time |
[L=43250] | membrum virile |
[L=43251] | N. |
kandarpa--kūpa [L=43253]" a well of love " , pudendum muliebre L.
(H3) | m. |
(Gk. κεν) well (opposed to a-kam , " ill ") TS. S3Br. &c
kam among the expletives Nir. ; it is often found attached to a dat. case , giving to that case a stronger meaning , and is generally placed at the end of the pāda , e.g. ájījana óṣadhīr bhójanāya kám , thou didst create the plants for actual food RV. v , 83 , 10) RV. AV. TS.v
is also used as an enclitic with the particles nu , su , and hi (but is treated in the pada-pāṭha as a separate word ; in this connection kam has no accent but once AV. vi , 110 , 1) RV.AV.
kad and kim) RV. x , 52 , 3
252,1] [p= 251,3] [L=43756.4]
kim and kad , at the beginning of compounds) marking the strange or unusual character of anything or expressing reproach L.
252,1] [L=43756.5]
Nir. Nigh.
kam 2 [L=43768]
(not used in the conjugational tenses) cakame , kamitā , kamiṣyate , acakamata Dha1tup. xii , 10 to wish , desire , long for RV. v , 36 , 1 ; x , 117 , 2 AV. xix , 52 , 3 S3Br. Ragh. &c ;
to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with S3Br. xi BhP. : Caus. A1. (ep. also P.)kāmayate , -ti , kāmayāṃ-cakre , acīkamata , &c ;
to wish , desire , long for (with acc. or inf. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 157 ; e.g. kāmaye bhuñjīta bhavān , I wish your worship may eat ; kāmaye dātum , I wish to give Ka1s3. ) RV. AV. TS. MBh. &c ;
to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with RV. x , 124 , 5 ; 125 , 5 S3Br. MBh. &c ;
to cause any one to love R2itus. (in that sense P. Vop. ) ;
(with bahu or aty-artham) to rate or value highly R. : Desid. cikamiṣate and cikāmayiṣate:Intens. caṃkamyate ; ([cf. Lat. comis ; also amo , with the loss of the initial , for camo ; cA7-rus for cam-rus: Hib. caemh , " love , desire ; fine , handsome , pleasant " ; caomhach , " a friend , companion " ; caomhaim , " I save , spare , protect " ; Armen. kamim.])
(H1) | ind. |
[L=43756.1] | a particle placed after the word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense , " yes " , " well " (but this sense is generally so weak that Indian grammarians are perhaps right in enumerating |
[L=43756.2] | kam |
[L=43756.3] | a particle of interrogation (like |
[p= | (sometimes , like |
[p= | head |
[L=43756.6] | food |
[L=43756.7] | water |
[L=43756.8] | happiness , bliss |
(H1) | cl.1 A1. |
kamra [p= 252,2] [L=43896](ā)n. ( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 167) loving , being in love , desirous L.
(H2) | mf |
[L=43897] | desirable , beautiful , lovely |
karva [p= 259,3] [L=45523]( √1. kṝ Un2. i , 155), love L.
(H1) | m. |
[L=45524] | a mouse , rat |
kāWhitney Roots links: kan
kā 1 [p= 266,2] [L=46907]imitation of the cry of the ass BhP. x , 15 , 30.
kā 2 [L=46908]
kád2 and 1. ku in comp. to express depreciation e.g. kā*kṣa , kā-patha , kāpuruṣa , ko*ṣṇa , qq. vv. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 104 Vop. vi , 93.
kā 3 [L=46909]
kan (perf. cake , cakāná ; » kā́yamāna s.v.) , to seek , desire , yearn , love (with acc. anddat.) RV. ;
to like , enjoy , be satisfied with (loc. gen. or inst.) RV. : Intens. (p. cākát) to please , be sought after , be wished for , satisfy RV. x , 29 , 1 (cf. anu- , ā- , saṃ- √3. kā , kāti.)
(H1) | onomat. |
(H1) | = |
(H1) | = √ |
kānti [p= 270,3] [L=47757]desire , wish L.
Nal. S3ak. Megh. Pan5cat. Sus3r. Katha1s.
(ī). ifc. Caurap.
Va1m. iii , 1 , 22 ; xxii , 14 Sa1h.
Hariv. 5419
of lakṣmī BhP. x , 65 , 29
durgā Devi1P. ??
(H2) | f. |
[L=47758] | loveliness , beauty , splendour , female beauty , personal decoration or embellishment |
[L=47759] | a lovely colour , brightness (especially of the moon) |
[L=47760] | f |
[L=47761] | (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by love |
[L=47762] | a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon |
[L=47763] | N. |
[L=47764] | of |
kāma [p= 252,2] [L=43900]» s.v.
kā́ma [p= 271,3] [L=47938]
(fr. √2. kam ; once kāmá VS. xx , 60), wish , desire , longing (kāmo me bhuñjīta bhavān , my wish is that you should eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 153), desire for , longing after (gen. dat. , or loc.) , love , affection , object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. &c
AV. ix
(cf. RV. x , 129 , 4) VS. Pa1rGr2.
of the god of love AV. iii. 25 , 1 MBh. Lalit.
dharma and husband of rati [ MBh. i , 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ] ; or as a son of brahmā VP. ; or sometimes of saṃkalpa BhP. vi , 6 , 10 ; cf. kāma-deva)
of agni SV. ii , 8 , 2 , 19 , 3 AV. TS. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r.
viṣṇu Gal.
baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L.
Na1r. xvi , 9
= mahā-rāja-cūta) L.
of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each
of several menkā́ma [L=47957]
object of desire L.
kā́ma [L=47958]
semen virile L.
kā́ma [L=47959]
N. of a tīrtha MBh. iii , 5047
kāmá [L=47964]
wishing , desiring RV. ix , 113 , 11
kā́ma [L=47965]
(ifc.) desirous of , desiring , having a desire or intention (cf. go-k° , dharma-k° ; frequently with inf. in tu cf. tyaktu-k°.)kāma [p= 1324,2] [L=327520]
(H2) | &c |
(H1) | m. |
[L=47939] | pleasure , enjoyment |
[L=47940] | love , especially sexual love or sensuality |
[L=47941] | Love or Desire personified |
[L=47942] | xii |
[L=47943] | xix |
[L=47944] | N. |
[L=47945] | (represented as son of |
[L=47946] | N. |
[L=47947] | of |
[L=47948] | of |
[L=47949] | a stake in gambling |
[L=47950] | a species of mango tree ( |
[L=47951] | N. |
[L=47952] | a kind of bean |
[L=47953] | a particular form of temple |
[L=47954] | N. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H1B) | mfn. |
(H1B) | n. |
(H2) | (in |
kā́mena [p= 271,3] [L=47961]out of affection or love for
(H1C) | ind. |
kā́° māya [L=47962]according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br.ChUp.
(H1C) | ind. |
kā́° me [L=47962.1]according to desire , agreeably to the wishes of , out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br.ChUp.
(H1C) | ind. |
kā́ma--keli [p= 272,1] [L=47987]" love-sport " , amorous sport , sexual intercourse L.
vidūṣaka of the drama L.
kā́ma--keli [L=47989]
having amorous sport , wanton L.
(H3) | m. |
[L=47988] | the |
(H3B) | mfn. |
kā́ma--taru [L=48045]the god of love considered as a tree (cf. -vṛkṣa) S3ak.
Vanda Roxburghii Npr.
(H3) | m. |
[L=48046] | the plant |
kā́ma--tāla [L=48048]the Indian cuckoo (considered as an incentive to love) L.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--daminī [p= 272,2] [L=48063]" taming love " , N. of a libidinous woman Pan5cat.
(H3) | f. |
kā́ma--dahana [L=48065]" the burning up of the god of love by śiva " , N. of a chapter of the Lin3gaP.
(H3) | n. |
[L=48066] | a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month |
kā́ma--deva [L=48077]the god of love (» kāma above ; according to some , son of sahiṣṇu and yaśo-dharā VP. )
of viṣṇu (as the god who creates , preserves , or destroys at will) Vishn2. xcviii , 10 (cf. BhP. v , 18 , 15)
śiva L.
of the author of the prāyaścitta-paddhati
(H3) | m. |
[L=48078] | N. |
[L=48079] | of |
[L=48080] | of a poet |
[L=48081] | of a king of |
[L=48082] | N. |
kā́ma--deva---tva [L=48083]the being the god of love Katha1s.
(H4) | n. |
kā́ma--deva---maya [L=48084]representing the god of love AgP.
(H4) | mfn. |
kā́ma--dhvaṃsin [L=48096]" subduing the god of love " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--baddha [L=48122]bound by lovekā́ma--baddha [L=48123]
a wood W.
(H3) | mfn. |
(H3B) | n. |
kā́ma--bāṇa [L=48125]an arrow of the god of love.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--mañjarī [L=48130]" love-bud " , N. of a woman Das3.
(H3) | f. |
kā́ma--mardana [L=48133]" destroyer of the god of love " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--maha [L=48134]the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month caitra or March-April)L.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--mūta [L=48137]kā́ma-) mfn. strongly affected or impelled by love RV. x , 10 , 11.
(H3) | ( |
kā́ma--mohita [L=48139]infatuated by desire or love or passion.
(H3) | mfn. |
kā́ma--rasa [p= 272,3] [L=48141]enjoyment of sexual love MBh.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--vat [L=48167](kā́ma-) being in love , enamoured , wanton MBh. R.
kāma S3Br.
(H3) | mfn. |
[L=48167.1] | containing the word |
kā́ma--vallabha [L=48171]" love's favourite " , spring W.
(H3) | m. |
[L=48172] | a species of mango tree |
[L=48173] | the cinnamon tree |
kā́ma--vaśa [L=48175]subjection to love MW.
(H3) | m. |
kā́ma--vaśya [L=48176]being in subjection to the god of love , enamoured MBh.
(H3) | mfn. |
kā́ma--viddha [L=48180]wounded by the god of lovekā́ma--viddha [L=48181]
N. of a man g. kārtakaujapā*di
kā́ma--viddha [L=48182]
his descendants ib.
(H3) | mfn. |
(H3B) | m. |
(H3B) | m. pl. |
kā́ma--śara [L=48194]" love's shaft " , an arrow of the god of love Pan5cat.
(H3) | m. |
[L=48195] | the mango tree |
kā́ma--śalya [L=48197]kāma-) mf(ā)n. having love for a shaft AV. iii , 25 , 2.
(H3) | ( |
kā́ma--śāstra [L=48199]a treatise on pleasure or sexual love MBh.
-sūtra N. of several erotic works.
(H3) | n. |
[L=48200] | = |
kā́ma--sūtra [L=48213]N. of a treatise on sexual love by vātsyāyana.
(H3) | n. |
kāmā* gni [L=48226]the fire of love , passion , lust
(H3) | m. |
kāmā* gni---saṃdīpana [L=48227]kindling the fire of lust , excitement of sexual love.
(H4) | n. |
kāmā* ṅkuśa [L=48228]the pointed hook by which the god of love excites or inflames lovers
(H3) | m. |
[L=48229] | a finger nail (which plays an important part in erotic acts) |
[L=48230] | membrum virile |
kāmā* tura [L=48233]love-sick , affected by love or desirekāmā* tura [L=48234]
N. of a man Pan5cat.
(H3) | mfn. |
(H3B) | m. |
kāmā* dhiṣṭhita [p= 273,1] [L=48240]influenced or dominated by love W.
(H3) | mfn. |
kāmā* nala [L=48241]the fire of love , passion , lust W.
(H3) | m. |
kāmā* ndha [L=48242]blinded through love , blind with lust Mn. vii , 27 (v.l.) Subh.
kāmā* ndha [L=48243]
" blind from love " , the Indian cuckoo L.
kāmā* ndha [L=48244]
the falcon L.
(H3) | mfn. |
(H3B) | m. |
(H3B) | m. |
kāmā* yudha [L=48249]a species of the mango tree L.
kāmā* yudha [L=48250]
the weapon or arrow of the god of lovekāmā* yudha [L=48251]
membrum virile W.
(H3) | m. |
(H3B) | n. |
(H3B) | n. |
kāmā* ri [L=48255]" love's adversary " , N. of śiva R. vii , 6 , 31 Prasannar.
viṭa-māṣika) L.
(H3) | m. |
[L=48256] | a mineral substance used in medicine , a sort of pyrites (= |
kāmā* rta [L=48257]afflicted by love or passion , in love W.
(H3) | mfn. |
kāmā* rthin [L=48258]desirous of pleasure or love , amorous MW.
(H3) | mfn. |
kāmā* śrama [L=48271]the hermitage of the god of love R. i , 25 , 17
(H3) | m. |
kāmā* sakta [L=48273]intent on gratifying desire , engrossed with love , deeply in love W.
(H3) | mfn. |
kāmā* sakti [L=48274]addiction to love W.
(H3) | f. |
kāmo* nmatta [L=48287]mad with love Das3.
(H3) | mfn. |
kāmo* pahata---cittā* ṅga [L=48290]one whose mind and body are overcome with love W.
(H4) | mfn. |
kāmayā [p= 273,2] [L=48297](instr. of kāmā q.v.) only used with brūhi or pra-brūhi (e.g. kāmayā me brūhi deva kas tvam , " for love of me , say , O god , who thou art " MBh. )
(H2) | ind. |
kāmi--tā [L=48322]the state of a lover , love , desire.
(H3) | f. |
kāmi--tva [L=48323]the state of a lover , love , desire.
(H3) | n. |
kāmín [L=48335]desirous , longing after (acc. or in comp.)
acc. or with saha or sā*rdham) RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. R. S3ak. &c
kāmín [L=48338]
a lover , gallant , anxious husbandkāmín [L=48339]
the ruddy goose (cakra-vāka) L.
kāmín [L=48340]
a pigeon L.
kāmín [L=48341]
Ardea Sibirica L.
kāmín [L=48342]
a sparrow L.
kāmín [L=48343]
N. of śiva L.
(H2) | mfn. |
[L=48336] | loving , fond , impassioned , wanton |
[L=48337] | amorous , enamoured , in love with ( |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
kā́muka [L=48357](ā)n. wishing for , desiring , longing after (in comp.) R. BhP.
acc.) TS. vi
kā́muka [L=48360]
a lover , gallant R. Ragh. xix , 33 &c
kā́muka [L=48361]
(with gen.) Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 69
kā́muka [L=48362]
a sparrow L.
kā́muka [L=48363]
the plant Jonesia aśoka L.
kā́muka [L=48364]
the creeping plant Gaertnera racemosa L.
kā́muka [L=48365]
a bow (v.l. for kārmuka) W.
kā́muka [L=48366]
a kind of pigeon L.
kā́muka [L=48367]
N. of an author of mantraskā́muka [L=48369]
a woman desirous of wealth &c W.
kā́muka [L=48371]
a kind of crane L.
(H2) | mf |
[L=48358] | loving , enamoured or in love with ( |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
(H2B) | m. |
kārṣṇi [p= 277,1] [L=49006](g. bāhv-ādi Gan2ar. 34 Comm.) a son or descendant of kṛṣṇa MBh. BhP.
of viśvaka
deva-gandharva MBh. Hariv.
L. (cf. Hariv. 9209.)
(H2) | m. |
[L=49007] | N. |
[L=49008] | of a |
[L=49009] | of the god of love |
kiṅkira [p= 282,1] [L=50213]a horse L.
Kokila or Koil) L.
kiṅkira [L=50218]
the frontal sinus of an elephant L.
(H1) | m. |
[L=50214] | the Indian cuckoo ( |
[L=50215] | a large black bee |
[L=50216] | the god of love |
(H1B) | n. |
kiṅkirāta [L=50219](or kiṃ-k° ; g. kiṃśukā*di) a parrot L.
aśoka L.
(H2) | m. |
[L=50220] | the Indian cuckoo |
[L=50221] | the god of love |
[L=50222] | Jonesia |
[L=50223] | red or yellow amaranth |
kunta [p= 291,1] [L=52094]a spear , lance ([cf. Lat. contus ; Gk. κοντός]) R. &c
Coix barbata) L.
(H1) | m. |
[L=52095] | a small animal , insect |
[L=52096] | a species of grain ( |
[L=52097] | passion |
[L=52098] | the god of love |
kusuma--kārmuka [p= 298,2] [L=53594]" having flowers for his bow " , kāma (the god of love) S3is3. vi , 16.
(H3) | m. |
kusuma--bāṇa [L=53611]" flower-arrowed " , N. of the god of love L.
S3ak. (v.l.) Pan5cat.
(H3) | m. |
[L=53612] | the flower-arrow of the god of love |
kusuma--mārgaṇa [L=53615](= -bāṇa) the god of love Ka1d.
(H3) | m. |
kusumā* yudha [L=53644]" flower-armed " , N. of kāma (the god of love , his arrows being tipped with flowers) S3ak.Bhartr2. &c
of a Brahman Katha1s.
(H3) | m. |
[L=53645] | N. |