Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Aeroplanes (Vimanas) in Ancient VEDIC INDIA


The FIRST ever Nobel prize for physics should have gone to an Indian by the name of Shivkur Bajuji Talpade. 

He flew an unmanned flying saucer. It was an advanced Vedic Mercury ion plasma , imploding and expanding vortex noiseless flying machine , which could move in all directions. Accelerated pressurised Mercury when spun and thus heated gives out latent energy. Vedas had a deep understanding of Quantum physics.

This feat was witnessed by more than three thousand people including Britishers at Chowpatty beach in 1895, eight years before the Wright brothers.

Instead of praising him,the British rulers threatened him and treated him in a shabby manner.Talpade was a Sanskrit scholar who had read Vimanaka Shastra the ancient 7000 years old texts. His wife was very technically savvy and was his partner on the day the flight of MARUTSHAKTI took place.

The airplane was aloft at nearly 200 metres height and was airborne for 18 minutes –after that the Naksha Rasa accumulators ran out of energy .  

Bal Gangadhara Tilak the editor of Kesari Pune had put in an editorial . It was also reported by two other English newspapers, a terse account. Eminent Indian judge Mahadeva Govin-da Ranade and King of Baroda H H Sayaji Rao Gaekwad witessed the flight.

The jolted white man’s media blanked out the news, as Indians were suppose to be good for nothing coolies.  Their whole adventure in India rested on the fact that we were convinced that we are being ruled by a superior ARYAN race.

The fact is we ourselves were the Aryans—NOT them as per DNA tests done extensively.  

When the first steam engine came to Mumbai, the British press had ridiculed Indians for getting scared to death—as “ stupid Indians thought it was the devil ”—and they all had a good sarcastic laugh over brandy and cigars.

The Maharaja of Baroda was summoned by East India Company bosses and warned not to finance any such projects, failing which they would take away his Kingdom.

Pretty soon Talpade’s partner and wife went died mysteriously and Talpade , without his wife and finances , went into deep depression and died in 1916..

Meanwhile the owners Rothschild German Jews , of British East India company , who ruled India , did frantic search all over India for Sanskrit texts and took it away to Germany.

Till then they never realized the worth of Vedic texts – as all thought it was bullshit shepherd’s verses of dreamers . This incident literally sent shick waves.

All these texts are still missing.

Hitler had these translated texts with him. This is how he made SWASTIKA his symbol, as it was the symbol of the Saraswati civilization which existed from 9500 BC to 4000 BC , till Saraswati river dried up.

Imphotep was a Vedic Maharishi who built the Shpinx and gave the blue print for the Pyramids based on the Sri Yantra and the Golden ratio. Here are some pictures.
Below Vaishnavite Maharishi with U mark -- IMHOTEP.

Below IMHOTEP with key to Mount Meru called Ankh or the third eye of Lord Shiva

Below IMHOTEP with Lord Narasimhan--Vishnu half man , half lion avatar.

Below , check out the key ( Ankh ) of Imhotep under the beam, left hand side. ( someone has deliberately vandalised the beam ) . The King's chamber of the pyramids is build like Meru. The Roslyn chapel of Scotland has the picture of Meru and also the stone carving of Narasimhan..

Below here is a portion of the beam enlarged.

Flying Vimana
Hovering Vimana

At that time Vimanas used to fly between Saraswati river basin , India – Alaska Stonehenge SE corner national park—Nazca in Peru—Ankor Wat Meru temple at Cambodia and Easter Island.  

After Talpade died Rothschild employees came to Vijay Wadi made an offer his relatives could NOT refuse , and took away the MARUTSHAKTI . Later Rally brothers took away his manuscripts and texts. Many Sanskrit scholars ( Kashmiri Pandits )  were kidnapped and they were never heard of.

It is no wonder that Hitler had a head start with missiles .Talpade studied and consulted a number of Vedic treatises like Brihad Vaimanika Shastra of Maharishi Bharadwaja Vimanachandrika of Acharya Narayan Muni Viman yantra of Maharish Shownik Yantra Kalp by Maharishi Garg Muni Viman Bindu of Acharya Vachaspati and Vimana Gyanarka Prakashika of Maharishi Dhundiraj’

In Vimana Yantra Sarvaswa , with eight chapters of diagrams . It is mentioned in great detail how to make a plane motionless, how to make it invisible, how to change over to aether ( akasha ZPF ) power from solar power in inter planetary travels, distant radar monitoring of other aircraft, how to listen to sounds inside other planes and underwater craft ( as Vimanas go under water too ), faster than light communications -- secrets of constructing planes which cannot be monitored or destroyed, with planetary gearing silent systems.  
Vaimaanika Shastra explains in detail ,  the metals and alloys and other required material, which can be make an aircraft imperishable in any condition. Planes which will not break (abhedya), or catch fire (adaahya) and which cannot be cut (achchedya) have been described. Along with the treatise there are diagrams of three types of aeroplanes - "Sundara", "Shukana" and "Rukma".

Mercury was known to Indian 11000 years ago as Bharatvarsha extended from Jerusalem to Urals to Cambodia.  Lot of Mercury was available in India and also at Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. Dharnidhar Samhita gives the 16 steps to purify Mercury and make a SOLID Shiva Lingam out of it. Arthashastra of 400 BC mentions mercury, in the military strategy section .

One of my Russian Chief Engineers who sailed with me was in Afghanistan , as he was a soldier . One of his comrades had handled some spent radioactive Mercury and the next day he was sent back to Russia , as his hair fell off.

So here is my advise to US soldiers—if you see Mercury in Afghan caves, keep away from it.  Mercury when heated emits immense radiation.  Russians found complex  ion engine Vimana parts in proper Vimana hangars of the caves of Afghanistan, and they took it away to Moscow .

In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, which means “controller of the battlefield ”, it is written: “Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.

The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.”  "Antima" was "the cloak of invisibility" and "Garima" was how to "how to become as heavy and unmovable"   232 stanzas deal only with construction, and take off.

The mercury propellant is first vapourised fed into the thruster discharge chamber ionised converted into plasma by a combination with electrons broke down electrically and then gyro armature accelerated through small openings in a screen to pass out of the engine at velocities between extremely great speeds. Ionization of air shifts every colour of the spectrum and invisibilty can be achieved.
The mercury was held in 8 temperature and pressure resistant SODA LIME GLASS containers, as per Vimanaka Shastra . Yet it is someone else who invented glass as per the white man. Taxila University of 3000 BC, had 10500 seats for world students from Mesopotamia, Greece , Syria, China , Thailand, Russia , Arabia etc, and the Shatapata Brahmana text in Sanskrit tell how to make glass. The vimanas has transparent glass portholes.
 According to the Dronaparva, part of the 6000 year old Mahabarata, and the Ramayana, one Vimana described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down, backwards and forewards as the pilot desired.  In another Vedic text, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury vortex that shot out of the back in the form of a buzzing flame."   Some of these Vimanas could go underwater too.
 The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the scalar interferometer missiles of war:

"...(the weapon was) a single projectile
charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor...

An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis
And the Andhakas.

... the corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without  cause,
And the birds turned white.

... After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected...
... to escape from this fire
The soldiers jumped into streams
To save themselves and their equipment..."

One section very accurately describes what an atomic explosion would look like and the effects of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping into water is the only respite.

The Ramayana describes :

"The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will .... that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky."

".. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere."

In Mahabharata , Lord Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva's Vimana, the Saubha puts on the cloak of invisibility.  Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: 'I quickly laid on an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound'. Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly, in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis. The narrative records:

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas."

In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written:

"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."

Aeronautics is described in Sanskrit in 100 sections, eight chapters, 500 principles and 3000 slokas including 32 techniques to fly an aircraft.  Depending on the classifications of eras or Yugas in modern Kaliyuga aircraft used are called Krithakavimana flown by the power of engines by absorbing solar energies!

In Kalidasa's ( 800 BC, Raghuvamsham ) Kumarasambhava, while describing Indra's chariot approaching earth from the skies, there is a remark by Mathali, Indra's chariot rider. He says, ""Aho udagra ramaneeyaa prithvi""(How beautiful is the earth looking from here""!)It could have been probably told only by people who travelled in the skies.

The Rig Veda, the oldest document of the human race includes references to the following modes of transportation: Jalayan - a vehicle designed to operate in air and water (Rig Veda 6.58.3); Kaara- Kaara- Kaara- a vehicle that operates on ground and in water. (Rig Veda 9.14.1); Tritala- Tritala- Tritala- a vehicle consisting of three stories. (Rig Veda 3.14.1); Trichakra Ratha - Trichakra Ratha - Trichakra Ratha - a three-wheeled vehicle designed to operate in the air. (Rig Veda 4.36.1); Vaayu Ratha- Vaayu Ratha- Vaayu Ratha- a gas or wind-powered chariot. (Rig Veda 5.41.6); Vidyut Ratha- Vidyut Ratha- Vidyut Ratha- a vehicle that operates on power. (Rig Veda 3.14.1).

Sage Agastya is mentioned in Mahabharata of 4000 BC. The "Agastya Samhita" gives us Agastya`s descriptions of two types of aeroplanes. The first is a "chchatra" (umbrella or balloon) to be filled with hydrogen. The process of extracting hydrogen from water is described in elaborate detail and the use of electricity in achieving this is clearly stated. This was stated to be a primitive type of plane, useful only for escaping from a fort when the enemy had set fire to the jungle all around. Hence the name "Agniyana". The second type of aircraft mentioned is somewhat on the lines of the parachute. It could be opened and shut by operating chords. This aircraft has been described as "vimanadvigunam" i.e. of a lower order than the regular aeroplane. 
Maharishi Bharadwaja is one of the Sapt Rishis and the guru of Dronacharya of Mahabharata , who lived in 4200 BC.  Bharadwaja states that there are thirty-two secrets of the science of aeronautics. Of these some are astonishing and some indicate an advance even beyond our own times. For instance the secret of "para shabda graaha", i.e. a cabin for listening to conversation in another plane, has been explained by elaborately describing an electrically worked sound-receiver .  Later in modern times, this was re-discovered by Nikola Tesla.

In "shatru vimana kampana kriya" and "shatru vimana nashana kriya" gves details on resonating and destroying enemy aircraft,  as well as photographing enemy planes, rendering their occupants unconscious and making one`s own plane invisible. In Vastraadhikarana, the chapter describing the dress and other wear required while flying, talks in detail about the wear for both the pilot and the passenger separately.

In Srimad Bhagavatam it is described that a great mystic named Kardama Muni created an entire floating city in which he and his wife toured around the world. Another Rishi Maya Danava built an entire flying city for Salva. Among other wonderful qualities it possessed the following:
A special navigation system for seeing at night, high speed capability to avoid detection from the ground, and the ability to become either completely invisible or to appear as if there were many copies of it flying in the sky.

The astras or ancient scalar interferometry missiles were far superior in the respect that it can be directed to search and destroy one person, in contrast to the modern nuclear weapons which kill thousands of innocent people indiscriminately. The Brahmastra is created and directed by longitudinal wave , sound vibration. Only highly evolved seers are given the Mantras  to trigger a Brahmastra, as it involves resonating the 12 strand DNA with a king sized pineal gland.

Vedic Vimanas or flying saucers used mercury vortex ion engines. The ion engine was first demonstrated by German-born NASA scientist Ernst Stuhlinger.  The Vedic texts were taken to Germany by Hermann Gundert.

The use of ion propulsion systems were first demonstrated in space by the NASA Lewis “ Space Electric Rocket Test SERT.. These thrusters used mercury as the reaction mass. The first was SERT 1, launched July 20, 1964, successfully proved that the technology operated as predicted in space. The second test, SERT-II, launched on February 3, 1970, verified the operation of two mercury ion engines for thousands of running hours.

The kings chamber coffin , of the Giza pyramid  is NOT a coffin . It used to contain mercury, exported from India . The apex of the Giza pyramids used to give a blue glow which could be seen thousands of miles.

In the video below, 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.2 billion Indians making up 3 out of 6 people on earth do NOT have brains to get a Nobel prize, right?  Yet it is strange inconsistency that if you go to any US university, the Computer Science and Electronic strain classes (which require brains and competition ), have only Indians and Chinese , with a sprinkling of whites. Does the Nobel prize have any meaning, when the only time a Muslim gets it for peace , is for throwing mud on Muslims, on behalf of Jews?