Indians are not descendants of Aryans, says new study
Widely believed theory of Indo-Aryan invasion, often used to explain
early settlements in the Indian subcontinent is a myth, a new study by
Indian geneticists says.The origin of genetic diversity found in South Asia is much older than 3,500 years when the Indo-Aryans were supposed to have migrated to India, a new study led by scientists from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, says. The study appeared in American Journal of Human Genetics on Friday.
The theory of Indo-Aryan migration was proposed in mid-19th century by German linguist and Sanskrit scholar Max Muller.
He had suggested that 3,500 years ago, a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers from Central Asia played a key role in shaping contemporary South Asian populations and this was responsible for introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste system in India.
"Our study clearly shows that there was no genetic influx 3,500 years ago," said Dr Kumarasamy Thangaraj of CCMB, who led the research team, which included scientists from the University of Tartu, Estonia, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai and Banaras Hindu University.
"It is high time we re-write India's prehistory based on scientific evidence," said Dr Lalji Singh, former director of CCMB. "There is no genetic evidence that Indo-Aryans invaded or migrated to India or even something such as Aryans existed". Singh, vice-chancellor of BHU, is a coauthor.
Researchers analysed some six lakh bits of genetic information in the form of SNPs drawn from DNA of over 1,300 individuals from 112 populations including 30 ethnic groups in India.
The comparison of this data with genetic data of other populations showed that South Asia harbours two major ancestry components. One is spread in populations of South and West Asia, Middle East, Near East and the Caucasus. The second component is more restricted to South Asia and accounts for more than 50 per cent of the ancestry in Indian populations.
"Both the ancestry components that dominate genetic variation in South Asia demonstrate much greater diversity than those that predominate West Eurasia. This is indicative of a more ancient demographic history and a higher long-term effective population size underlying South Asian genome variation compared to that of West Eurasia," researchers said.
"The genetic component which spread beyond India is significantly higher in India than in any other part of world. This implies that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and Caucasus," said Gyaneshwar Chaube of University of Tartu, Estonia.
If any migration from Central Asia to South Asia took place, the study says, it should have introduced apparent signals of East Asian ancestry into India. "Because this ancestry component is absent from the region, we have to conclude that if such an event indeed took place, it occurred before the East Asian ancestry component reached central Asia," it said.
Asia harbors one of the highest levels genetic diversity in Eurasia,
which could be interpreted as a result of its long-term large effective
population size and of admixture during its complex demographic history.
In contrast to Pakistani populations, populations of Indian origin have
been underrepresented in previous genomic scans of positive selection
and population structure. Here we report data for more than 600,000 SNP
markers genotyped in 142 samples from 30 ethnic groups in India.
Combining our results with other available genome-wide data, we show
that Indian populations are characterized by two major ancestry
components, one of which is spread at comparable frequency and haplotype
diversity in populations of South and West Asia and the Caucasus. The
second component is more restricted to South Asia and accounts for more
than 50% of the ancestry in Indian populations. Haplotype diversity
associated with these South Asian ancestry components is significantly
higher than that of the components dominating the West Eurasian ancestry
palette. Modeling of the observed haplotype diversities suggests that
both Indian ancestry components are older than the purported Indo-Aryan
invasion 3,500 YBP. Consistent with the results of pairwise genetic
distances among world regions, Indians share more ancestry signals with
West than with East Eurasians. However, compared to Pakistani
populations, a higher proportion of their genes show regionally specific
signals of high haplotype homozygosity. Among such candidates of
positive selection in India are MSTN and DOK5, both of which have potential implications in lipid metabolism and the etiology of type 2 diabetes.
the genetic structure of mankind globally and the role of natural
selection in shaping it are complex tasks that require data from
multiple populations to represent the geographic range and environmental
diversity of the inhabited world. Previous studies on South Asia have
highlighted this region as having one of the highest levels of genetic
diversity, second only to Africa.1 and 2
Studies of haploid loci (mtDNA and the nonrecombining region of Y
Chromosome [NRY]) have revealed that the South Asian genetic makeup is
dominated by largely autochthonous lineages testifying for low levels of
admixture with other parts of Eurasia because the peopling of the
subcontinent some 50,000 to 70,000 years ago Notably, these genetic dates are earlier than the oldest confirmed
human fossil in the subcontinent, found in Sri Lanka and dated to 31,000
years before present (YBP),7
but postdate the archaeological evidence below and above the layers of
ash from the Mount Toba volcanic supereruption associated with the
Middle Palaeolithic tools that could have been produced by anatomically
modern humans
Recent archaeological evidence from the Jebel Faya site in the Arabian
Peninsula permitted the authors to consider that the manufacturers of
these tools could have dispersed into India as early as 125,000 YBP.
Whether the genes of the crafters of these Middle Palaeolithic tools
still persist among modern populations is a lingering question.
Although the HapMap,he Human Genome Diversity Project, the 1000 Genomes Project and the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Pan-Asian SNP Consortium
have all significantly improved our understanding of the global genetic
diversity of humans, there are still significant gaps in their
coverage. India remains one such region, where large genetic diversity
and vast population sizes have so far gone underrepresented in
genome-wide studies of human genetic diversity despite some important
recent advances.
Most studies highlight the elevated genetic diversity of the South
Asian populations and their general clustering by language group and/or
geography. Relying on extensive resequencing rather than on genotyping
panel data1
showed that 30% of SNPs found in Indian populations were not seen in
HapMap populations and that compared to these populations (including
Africans) some Indian populations displayed higher levels of genetic
variation, whereas some others showed unexpectedly low diversity.
Operating with a thin set of genome-wide polymorphisms,
identified lower than expected levels of variation across
geographically and linguistically distinct populations when sampling
Indian immigrants living in the USA. Others have, contrary to this
finding, shown high levels of intergroup genetic differentiation of
Indian populations sampled in India. Furthermore, Reich et al.reported higher than expected levels of homozygosity within Indian
groups when examining a high density genome-wide SNP data set and
attributed this pattern to population stratification born out of the
endogamy associated with the caste system. Reich et al.
have also made an argument for a sizeable contribution from West
Eurasia to a putative ancestral north Indian (ANI) gene pool. Through
admixture between an ancestral south Indian (ASI) gene pool, this ANI
variation was found to have contributed significantly to the extant
makeup of not only north (50%–70%) but also south Indian populations
(>40%). This is in contrast with the results from mtDNA studies,
where the percentage of West Eurasian maternal lineages is substantial
(up to 50%) in Indus Valley populations but marginal (<10%) in the
south of the subcontinent.
Because any potential genetic impact into South Asia from the west
would involve at least one of the immediately adjacent regions—Central
Asia, the Caucasus, or West Asia (including Iran)—assessment of the
extent of admixture in South Asia and its sources is crippled without
genetic data from those regions. Genome-wide scans on the Human genome
diversity panel (HGDP) data involving 51 global populations have
revealed that South Asia, represented by Pakistani populations, shares
most signals of recent positive selection with populations from Europe,
the Near East, and North Africa.
Given the environmental differences between Europe and Pakistan and the
possible depth of human habitation in South Asia, this result is
surprising, but considering the lack of Indian data it remains to be
determined whether South Asian-specific signals of positive selection do
To shed more light on
the nature of genetic continuity and discontinuity between South and
West Asia, the Near East, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, we applied FST,
principal component analysis (PCA) and model-based structure-like
approaches to a genome-wide sample of ca 530,000 SNPs in a sample set
combining published data on India, relevant global reference populations, and 142 newly genotyped Indian individuals of various linguistic, geographic and social affiliations
Material and Methods
Samples, Genotyping, and Quality Control
introduce here 142 Indian samples from 30 populations that we have
genotyped with Illumina 650K SNP array according to manufacturers'
specifications. All subjects filled and signed personal informed
consents and the study was approved by scientific council of the
Estonian Biocentre. The data can be accessed through The National Center
for Biotechnology Information -Gene Expression Omnibus (NCBI GEO)
(GSE33489) and by request to the authors. We analyzed these data
together with published data from
on Indian and other populations used as background. The overlap of SNPs
between the different Illumina (610K, 650K, and 660K) arrays in
published and new data was ca. 530,000 SNPs; overlap between this data
set and the HapMap 3 was 480,000 SNPs. Depending on the analyses (e.g.,
computational optimization), we included different number of reference
populations from these sources . We excluded published data on South Asian populations genotyped on different platforms (Affimetrix)
from most of the analyses because cross-platform overlap in SNPs is
limited (ca. 95,000 SNP) for haplotype based analyses. However, we used
data from Reich et al. to validate our FST and PCA results. Sampling locations for populations analyzed here are shown on (available online) together with a comparison to sampling from the previous study.
We filtered the combined data sets by using PLINK software 1.05
to include only SNPs on the 22 autosomal chromosomes with a minor
allele frequency > 1% and genotyping success > 97%. Only
individuals with a genotyping success rate > 97% were used. Because
background linkage disequilibrium (LD) can affect both principal
component and structure-like analysis, we thinned the marker set further by excluding SNPs in strong LD (pairwise genotypic correlation r2
> 0.4) in a window of 200 SNPs (sliding the window by 25 SNPs at a
time). Depending on the number of reference populations, this yielded
data sets of ca. 200,000 SNPs that were used for the respective
Phylodemographic Analyses
We calculated mean pairwise FST values between populations (and regional population groups) for all autosomal SNPs by using the approach of Weir et al.assembled into an in-house R script. For FST
calculation, the combined data set was filtered to include only
populations with n > 4. In some cases geographically close
populations with a smaller sample size were grouped. Given the high
levels of population structure within India, resulting from restricted
gene flow between populations, genetic drift in small endogamous units,
and our small sample sizes, the interpretation of FST
distances between pools of samples from different, although genetically
closely related, populations might not, necessarily, be straightforward.
To validate our results, we recalculated FST values
excluding population pools and setting a threshold of minimum of seven
samples per population. To increase population coverage, we included
here data from Reich et al. and the resulting cross-platform SNP panel consisted of 95,001 post quality control SNPs .
PCA was carried out in the smartpca program on the Eurasian populations. Here too, we repeated the analysis on the data set that included more Indian samples but fewer SNPs .
Geographic spread of principal components ([PCs] averaged to population
level) was visualized with kriging procedure in Surfer package of
Golden Software. Spatial autocorrelation and modified t test that
estimate correlation of spatially located variables and correct for
spatial autocorrelation were carried out in Passage 2.
Geographic distances between populations were calculated as Eucleidian
distances between x and y coordinates on a Conformal Conic Asia Lambert
To monitor convergence between individual runs, we ran ADMIXTURE 100 times at K = 2 to K = 18 .
The lowest cross validation indexes that point to the best K were
observed at K = 15, but there was no significant difference above K = 10 .
However, judging by low level of variation in Loglikelihood scores (LLs
< 1) within a fraction (10%) of runs with the highest LLs, we assume that the global maximum was reached at K = 2 to K = 8, K = 12, and K = 13
rendering these practical representations of genetic structure at
different levels of resolution. We also verified that all runs within
these 10% of runs at these values of K did indeed produce a very similar
(indistinguishable) ancestry proportions pattern.
Haplotype Diversity Associated with Ancestry Informative Markers
used the individual ancestry proportion inferred by using ADMIXTURE as a
quantitative trait and tested for association. Allele dosage for an SNP
associated with a given ancestry is expected to increase with an
increasing proportion of ancestry. Assuming such a relationship between
the genotype and trait value, we used regression analysis to estimate
how strongly each SNP is associated with a given ancestry. We expected a
large number of SNPs to be associated with a given ancestry component,
therefore occasional false positive SNPs are negligible, and we chose
not to apply any multiple testing correction procedures. Instead, we
chose to filter out statistically significant regression coefficients
(beta values) by using arbitrarily chosen significance threshold. In
order to select only strongly associated SNPs, we further filtered SNPs
to retain only those exceeding 90 or 95 percentile points of positive
beta-value distribution. The haplotype diversity flanking each
associated SNP was then summarized with the number of distinct
haplotypes. A summary statistic derived from the number of distinct
haplotypes across genomic windows has been shown to be informative about
past population demography. In this study, Lohmueller et al.
considered the joint distribution of two haplotype based statistics—the
number of distinct haplotypes and the count of the most common
haplotype. Here, we use only the number of distinct haplotypes to
measure haplotype diversity. Genomic windows of different size—0.45,
0.33, 0.26, 0.1, and 0.05 centiMorgans—were defined around each
associated SNP, and the number of distinct haplotypes within each window
was counted. We followed and randomly selected a subset of nSNP
SNPs from each window to ensure that all windows have the same number
of SNPs and that the resulting statistics are not affected by the
unequal distribution of markers across the genome. Within each window we
randomly sampled nSNP SNPs multiple times, counted the
number of distinct haplotypes each time, and took the average as a
summary. For each population, we randomly chose ten individuals and
counted the total number of windows having 0, 1, 2,.., nmax number of
haplotypes and plotted this summary statistic by using heatmap.
substitutions arising in one population and then introduced to other
populations are expected to show different levels of haplotype diversity
in the source and recipient populations. However, this difference gets
diluted because hybrid haplotypes arise through recombination in the
recipient population. Their number will increase each generation, and it
is therefore important to explore how the number of generations since
the migration into new population will affect our ability to detect
source and recipient populations for a given mutation on the basis of
haplotype diversity differences.
generated population samples by simulating admixture events between
European and Asian populations as described in the next section. We
explored haplotype diversity flanking SNPs associated with Asian
ancestry in these samples from admixed populations. Our simulated data
set shows that when European population is the recipient and Asian
population the is source, then
- (1)
- Haplotype diversity flanking Asian alleles in admixed recipient populations is lower than in source Asian populations for all the simulated admixture events except for the oldest one that occurred 750 generations ago. The latter case confirms our expectation that immigrant alleles will be flanked with a higher number of hybrid haplotypes (those having both Asian and European ancestry blocks) with an increasing number of generations since admixture.
- (2)
- Haplotype diversity flanking European alleles in admixed populations can be comparable (for those populations having 70% of European ancestry) or even higher (for those having 90% European ancestry) than in the original European population despite the fact that admixed populations always have lower European ancestry (90% or 70%) than the original European population. This might be because of novel hybrid haplotypes produced by the recombination process. Our simulations show that haplotype diversity flanking autosomal SNPs can be used to infer source population even when populations dispersed these alleles 288, 400, or 500 generations ago. Assuming an average human generation interval of 25 years, this is 7,200, 10,000 or 12,500 years, which roughly overlaps with the Neolithic period.
Demographic Model for Simulations
We used MaCS coalescent simulator
to generate simulated data for three nonadmixed and 18 admixed
populations by modifying the demographic model originally published in. In this study a series of population genetic statistics were used to
fit demographic history of simulated populations to those observed for
African, Asian, and European populations. Here, we used these
demographic parameters to simulate samples of sequences drawn from
African, Asian, and European populations. An additional 18 admixed
populations were generated by simulating admixture events between
European and Asian populations at different times in the past (measured
in generations) and using different proportions: 50/50, 70/30, and 90/10
of sequences from European and Asian populations, respectively:
- (1)
- Admixture 750 generations ago; assuming one generation to be 25 years, this is roughly 18,750 years ago
- (2)
- Admixture 500 generations, ∼12,500 years, ago
- (3)
- Admixture 400 generation,∼10,000 years, ago
- (4)
- Neolithic admixture 288 generations ago; that is 62 generations after Neolithic expansion in a European population as defined in the best fit model of Schaffner et al.
- (5)
- Late Bronze Age/Iron Age admixture 138 generations, ∼3,450 years, ago
- (6)
- Historical time admixture 70 generations, ∼1,750 years, ago
We used the recombination rate ratio (cM/Mb) mappings for the first chromosome from HapMap project
to model variation in recombination rate in simulated sequences. The
total physical length of simulated sequences was 250 megabases. From
each simulated population a sample of 30 sequences were drawn to
construct 15 genotypes that were then subjected to quality control and
LD pruning steps as for the Illumina genotyped populations analyzed in
this study. Admixture proportions for each simulated individual were
then inferred with structure-like analysis assuming three populations.
SNPs associated with Asian and European ancestry and haplotype diversity
flanking them were identified as described above.
Testing for Selection
combined data set was filtered to include Indian populations and a
comprehensive set of reference populations that yielded a data set of
990 individuals and 531,315 autosomal SNPs This data was phased with Beagle 3.1.
Although integrated haplotype score (iHS) and cross population extended
haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH) have already been calculated for the
HGDP-Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humaine (CEPH) panel,
we recalculated all statistics by using our 531,315 SNPs to allow for
unbiased comparisons between India and other geographic regions. XP-EHH
and iHS were calculated as previously described with tools provided by
J. Pickrell. Genetic distances between markers were calculated with the
HapMap genetic map.
For iHS, ancestral and derived states for each SNP were established by
comparison to the UCSC snp128OrthoPanTro2RheMac2 table. Where the
chimpanzee allele was known, it was assumed to be the ancestral allele;
where the allele was unknown (17,868 SNPs, 3.36% of the data), the SNP
was excluded from all subsequent calculations. XP-EHH and FST
require two populations. Because the Mandenka, Yoruba, and Bantu
farmers have clustered together in previous analyses of population
they were grouped together in our analyses and were used as the
outgroup population for all comparisons; HGDP Europeans were used as the
outgroup for analyses where the focal population was African farmers.
Both XP-EHH and iHS scores were normalized and windowed as in Pickrell;
however, we chose not merge any adjacent outlier windows because this
procedure can be very conservative and significantly affect the ranking
of windows (data not shown).
Enrichment Testing
retrieved the list of RefSeq genes from the UCSC table browser and
mapped the starting and ending coordinates of all genomic transcripts to
our windows. The longest transcript length was used for genes with
multiple transcripts. On the basis of this list, we performed searches
for gene enrichment for all Gene Ontology (GO) terms by using DAVID 6.7 on all genes in the top 1% and 5% windows of the iHS and XP-EHH test statistic distributions.
have based our analyses of human genetic variation on a sample of 1310
individuals that belong to 112 populations. The sample set includes 142
previously unpublished samples from India and published compatible data
from South Asia and beyond ,
chosen to represent the global and regional contexts of human genetic
variation. For some analyses we also included published data on Indian
genotyped on a different platform; adding these sources yielded a
combined data set of 1,442 individuals but only ca. 95,000 SNPs
Mean pairwise FST values within and among continental regions
reveal that the South Asian autosomal gene pool falls into a distinct
geographic cluster, characterized internally, like other continental
regions, by short interpopulation genetic distances (<0.01). At the
interregional scale, the South Asian cluster shows somewhat shorter
genetic distances with West Eurasian (average FST = 0.042) than with East Asian (average FST
= 0.051) populations. Importantly, the Pakistani (Indus Valley)
populations differ substantially from most of the Indian populations and
show comparably low genetic differentiation (within the FST range of 0.008–0.020) from European, Near Eastern, Caucasian, and Indian populations . In agreement with previous Y-chromosome studies, the Brahmin and Kshatriya from Uttar Pradesh stand out by being closer to Pakistani (FST = 0.006 on average) and West Eurasian populations (FST = 0.030) than to other Indian populations (average FSTs 0.017 and 0.046, respectively) from the same geographic area
- Figure 1.
Matrix of Pairwise Mean FST Values of Regional Groupings of the Studied PopulationsAverage of intergroup FST values (where the regional group is composed of multiple populations) is given in the diagonal. Central India is itself a composite of two regional groupings of samples from different populations that makes the negative intergroup FST uninformative.
Similar to the patterns revealed by the pairwise FST
results, PCA of the Eurasian populations clusters them by geographic
proximity with the first component separating West from East Eurasia and
the second component differentiating South Asian populations from the
Consistent with their geographic location, Pakistanis are positioned
between Indian and West Eurasian populations on this plot. However,
whereas Reich et al.
identified a cline of Indian populations toward Europe with no
corresponding cline within the Europeans, we observe a more complex
picture. The inclusion of more populations from Europe and the Caucasus reveals a cline within the West Eurasian cluster on the PCA ,
where both PC1 (r = 0.59) and notably PC2 (r = 0.87) display
significant correlation with distance from Spain and Iran, respectively .
On this PC1 × PC2 composite cline, most of the Indian populations form a
disperse cluster, an edge of which is formed by a subset of the Hapmap
Gujaratis and Uttar Pradesh Brahmins and Kshatriyas. Compared to
Gujaratis, the Uttar Pradesh samples are more widely dispersed,
overlapping substantially with most of the samples from the southern,
Dravidic speaking states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Furthest on
the PC2 axis lay samples from the southern Indian states of Karnataka,
Kerala, and the Pulliyar population from Tamil Nadu.
- Figure 2.
Genome-Wide Structure of the Studied Populations Revealed by 530,000 SNPs(A) principal component analysis of the Eurasian populations. The following abbreviations are used: IE, Indo European speakers; DR, Dravidic speakers; AA, Austroasiatic speakers; TB, Tibeto Burman speakers; ∗, data from Hapmap.(B) ADMIXTURE analysis at K = 8 and 12. The following symbols are used: ∗, contains one Dhurwa; ∗∗, contains one Lambadi; 1, Rajasthan; 2, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand; 3, Chattisgarh, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh. A.P., Andhra Pradesh; Kar, Karnataka; Ker, Kerala; T. Nadu, Tamil Nadu; #, Nihali language isolate speakers from Maharasthra; §, Tibeto Burman speakers from east Indian states Meghalaya and Nagaland; AA, Austroasiatic languages.
within South Asia (India and Pakistan), PC1 is strongly correlated (r =
0.69) with longitude and PC2 with latitude (r = 0.60). Both remain
significant after correcting for spatial autocorrelation. These
relations are identifiable also from spatial representations of the
principal components . The third PC differentiates West Eurasia by latitude, and we find Bedouins and Lithuanians on either end of the PC3 axis . The fourth PC is of particular interest because it connects Baluchistan, the Caucasus, and Central Asia .
The spread of PC4 in West Eurasia is not concentric and thus difficult
to explain by correlation with geographic distance from any one point.
The strongest correlation is with distance from Iran (r = 0.69), but
this is to a large extent explained by spatial autocorrelation because
correcting for that renders a p value slightly over 0.05. Notable,
however, is that PC4 has nonmarginal values also in northeast China,
which is difficult to absorb into current models of human demographic
history. Overall, PCA reveals that the genetic landscape of South Asia
is characterized by two principal components of which PC2 is specific to
India and PC4 to a wider area encompassing Pakistan, the Caucasus, and
Central Asia.
In order to study this duality in more detail, we used the model-based structure-like algorithm ADMIXTURE
that computes quantitative estimates for individual ancestry in
constructed hypothetical ancestral populations. Most South Asians bear
membership in only two of the constructed ancestral populations at K =
8. These two main ancestry components—k5 and k6, colored light and dark
green in —are observed at all K values between K = 6 and K = 17 These correlate (r > 0.9; p < 0.00001) perfectly with PC4 and PC2
in West Eurasia, respectively. Looking at the Pakistani populations
(0.51) and Baluchistan (Balochi, Brahui, and Makrani) in particular
(0.59), the proportion of the light green component (k5) is
significantly higher than in the Indian populations, (on average 0.26) Importantly, the share of this ancestry component in the Caucasus
populations (0.50) is comparable to the Pakistani populations. There are
a few populations in India who lack this ancestry signal altogether.
These are the thus-far sampled Austroasiatic tribes from east India, who
originated in Southeast Asia and represent an admixture of Indian and
East Asian ancestry components,and two small Dravidian-speaking tribes from Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
However, considering the geographic spread of this component within
India, there is only a very weak correlation (r = 0.4) between
probability of membership in this cluster and distance from its closest
core area in Baluchistan .
Instead, a more steady cline (correlation r = 0.7 with distance from
Baluchistan) of decrease of probability for ancestry in the k5 light
green ancestral population can be observed as one moves from Baluchistan
toward north (north Pakistan and Central Asia) and west (Iran, the
Caucasus, and, finally, the Near East and Europe).
If the k5 light green ancestry component
originated from a recent gene flow event (for example by a demic
diffusion model) with a single center of dispersal where the underlying
alleles emerged, then one would expect different levels of associated
haplotypic diversity to suggest the point of origin of the migration. To
assess diversity within the ancestry components revealed by the
ADMIXTURE analyses at K = 8, we counted the number of unique haplotypes
in genomic windows surrounding SNPs in strong positive association with
this ancestry component. Because recombination on autosomal chromosomes
will over time erase the signal and thus limit the utility of this
approach, we used simulations to explore how deep in time one can go to
trace directionality of migration .
Our simulations show that differences in haplotype diversity between
source and recipient populations can be detected even for migration
events that occurred 500 generations ago (∼12,500 years ago assuming one
generation to be 25 years). For alleles associated with k5, haplotype
diversity is comparable among all studied populations across West
Eurasia and the Indus basin .
However, we found that haplotypic diversity of this ancestry component
is much greater than that of those dominating in Europe (k4, depicted in
dark blue) and the Near East (k3, depicted in light blue), thus
pointing to an older age of the component and/or long-term higher
effective population size .
Haplotype diversity flanking Asian alleles (k7) is twice greater than
that of European alleles—this is probably because the k7 ancestry
component is a composite of two Asian components
contrast to widespread light green ancestry, the dark green ancestry
component, k6 is primarily restricted to the Indian subcontinent with
modest presence in Central Asia and Iran. Haplotype diversity associated
with dark green ancestry is greatest in the south of the Indian
subcontinent, indicating that the alleles underlying it most likely
arose there and spread northwards. It is notable that this ancestry
component also exhibits greater haplotype diversity than European or
Near Eastern components despite the fact that the Illumina genotyped
markers were principally ascertained in a sample of European
individuals. This observation shows again that haplotype based measures
of diversity can be relatively robust to ascertainment bias.
human habitation of the Indian subcontinent should have provided ample
opportunity for the action of positive selection and the emergence of
adaptations to the local environment. To examine this possibility in
greater detail, we calculated iHS and XP-EHH,
two haplotype-based tests that detect positive natural selection, for
all Dravidian and Indo-European speaking Indian individuals in our
combined data set (n = 154). After dividing the autosomal genome into
13,274 nonoverlapping 200 kb windows covered by our SNP data set (see Material and Methods),
we calculated the fraction of windows in the top 1% of the Indian test
statistic distribution shared with the top 5% windows in other
Our results largely agree with the recent description of three main
patterns underlying selective sweeps in continental Eurasian populations
following the out-of-Africa event and suggest that Indian sweep signals have more in common with those
detected in West rather than East Eurasia. However, when we compare the
fraction of outlying Indian signals also found in European or East Asian
populations to the fraction of outlying Pakistani signals shared with
the same regions, we find Pakistan consistently appearing markedly more
similar to West Eurasian than to Indian populations .
This result remains when we examine signals of recent positive
selection in north and south India separately. Combined with our
ADMIXTURE and PCA results, this is powerful evidence that Pakistan is a
poor proxy for South Asian genetic diversity, despite having often
fulfilled this role in previous publications.
- Figure 3.
Sharing Signals for Selection between Continental Populations(A) iHS signal sharing between continental populations. The fraction of signals found in the top 1% of iHS scores in population i and the top 5% of population j is given in cell (i,j). Africa refers to Yoruba, Mandenka, and Bantu individuals from the HGDP-CEPH panel.(B) XP-EHH signal sharing between continental populations. The fraction of signals found in the top 1% of XP-EHH scores in population i and the top 5% of population j is given in cell (i,j). Africa refers to Yoruba, Mandenka, and Bantu individuals from the HGDP-CEPH panel.
gain insight into the type of biological processes likely to have come
under positive selection in India, we tested for overrepresentation of
terms in the countrywide results. These analyses revealed that 20 GO
terms were overrepresented in our windowed top 1% iHS results and 27
were overrepresented in the top 1% XP-EHH results when an individual
0.05 significance level was used (Table
S2. Significantly Enriched GO Terms, Before FDR Correction, in the Top
1% iHS All India Results, Reported by DAVID Analysis and Table
S3. Significantly Enriched GO Terms, Before FDR Correction, in the Top
1% XP-EHH All India Results, Reported by DAVID Analysis). These
results include terms such as lipid metabolism and catabolism, which are
associated with genes implicated in the etiology of type 2 diabetes
(MIM 125853),
the incidence of which is rapidly growing in India and could represent
maladaptations to recent changes in the environment, diet, and lifestyle
following industrialization.
However, after false-discovery-rate (FDR) correction for multiple
testing, no terms associated with genes found in the top 1% of either
test remained significant. Nevertheless, and because positive selection
does not necessarily entail pathway enrichment, we note that one of the
strongest XP-EHH signals (Table S4. Top 20 Most Significant iHS Windows in the All India Results and Table S5. Top 20 Most Significant iHS Windows in the All India Results) is a region in chromosome 20 containing the DOK5 (MIM 608334), a member of the insulin signaling pathway. A three SNP haplotype in this gene has been associated with increased
risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in a large homogeneous north Indian
sample, although this association has yet to be replicated in another cohort.
The gene is the seventh strongest signal in the countrywide results
(empirical p = 0.0007), and the seventh and 16th most significant signal
in south and north Indian, respectively. Notably, the window is also
present in the top 5% results in Europe and East Asia, but nowhere else
is evidence for positive selection for this gene nearly as powerful as
it is in the Indian subcontinent. Also strongly outlying (XP-EHH
empirical p = 0.0015) is CLOCK (MIM 601851), a key regulator of
circadian rhythms in humans, which shows strong evidence of selection
in all populations, although principally in West Eurasia—it is also
within the top 20 European windows but only at the tail end of the top
5% in East Asia. Its disruption has been shown to associate with the
development of type 2 diabetes and the etiology of metabolic syndrome (MIM 605552) as well as with general energy intake in overweight subjects. Other genes in the window are TMEM165, a transmembrane protein of no known function and SRD5A3 (MIM 611715), a steroid reductase implicated in androgen signaling in some types of prostate cancer. Finally, an interesting candidate for selection according to both XP-EHH and iHS results is MSTN (MIM 601788),
a negative regulator of skeletal muscle tissue development expressed in
utero and also associated with body fat accumulation and expressed
throughout gestation in the human placenta, where it plays a role in
glucose uptake.The gene shares a window with an uncharacterized reading frame, C2orf88, and HIBCH (MIM 610690), a component in the propionate catabolism pathway; the window is associated with extremely significant empirical p values in both iHS and XP-EHH scans. MSTN
has been identified as a target of strong positive selection twice
already on the basis of an excess of derived alleles that indicate the
action of positive diversifying selection, especially in African
although neither of the implicated SNPs are included in our data,
rendering successful reconstruction of the haplotypes presented by
Saunders in our data impossible without additional genotyping. Nonetheless, FST at the genomic window associated with MSTN
is high when compared to genomic averages between Indians and
Europeans, and between Indians and African farmers, although low between
Indians and East Asians.
to East and West Eurasia, the populations of the Indian subcontinent
have been underrepresented in genome-wide data sets that have been
compiled in attempts to address global patterns of variation at common
SNPs. In this study we have asked how representative of South Asian
genetic variation are the available and widely used data sets including
populations of Pakistan from the HGDP and Gujaratis from HapMap Phase 3 data.
While combining the new data we generated for north and south Indian
populations with these public resources, we confirmed the existence of a
general principal component cline stretching from Europe to south
India. Pakistani populations are in the middle of this cline (Figure 1) and show similar FST
distances both to populations of Europe and to those of south India,
suggesting that they might represent only a fraction of genetic
variation in South Asia just as they represent only a fraction of
genetic variation in Europe. Additionally, the relatively low genetic
diversity among Pakistani populations (average pairwise FST 0.0056, although this measure excludes the Hazara, who show substantial admixture with Central Asian populations; see Figure 2)
is less than one third of the diversity observed among all South Asian
populations (0.0184), even when excluding the most divergent
Austroasiatic and Tibeto-Burman speaking groups of east India. Although
the Pakistani and Indian populations have largely nonoverlapping
distributions on our PC plot (Figure 2),
the HapMap Gujaratis show genetic distances to other global
populations, similar to those estimated for other populations of India
and appear on the Indian cline between Pakistanis and south Indians,
thus being better representatives of the genetic diversity of South Asia
than Pakistanis. However, although the geographic representation of
Indian populations on our PC plot is neither comprehensive nor balanced,
we note that on average the Gujarati samples position 0.78 standard
deviations from the location of the Indian mean (excluding the outlying
Austroasiatic and Tibeto-Burman speakers). This is about five times more
than the mean value from samples from Uttar Pradesh, for example, which
appear very close to our all-Indian mean. For comparison, on average
the Pakistani and Tamil Nadu samples are located 3.06 and 0.95 standard
deviations away from the Indian mean, respectively.
Notably, all South Asian populations, except for Indian Tibeto-Burman speakers, show lower FST distances to Europe than to East Asia (Figure 1).
This could be either because of Indian populations sharing a common
ancestry with West Eurasian populations because of recent gene flow or
because East Asian populations have relatively high pairwise FST with other non-African populations, probably because of their history of genetic bottlenecks.Similarly, the clines we detect between India and Europe (e.g., PC1 and PC2 in Figure 2 and Figure S2)
might not necessarily reflect one major episode of gene flow but be
rather a reflection of complex demographic processes involving drift and
isolation by distance. Nevertheless, the correlation of PC1 with
longitude within India might be interpreted as a signal of moderate
introgression of West Eurasian genes into western India, which is
consistent with previous studies on uniparental and autosomal markers. Overall, the contrasting spread patterns of PC2 and PC4, and of k5 and k6 in the ADMIXTURE analysis ,
could be seen as consistent with the recently advocated model where
admixture between two inferred ancestral gene pools (ancestral northern
Indians [ANI] and ancestral southern Indians [ASI]) gave rise to the
extant South Asian populace. The geographic spread of the Indian-specific PC2 (or k6) could at least
partly correspond to the genetic signal from the ASI and PC4 (or k5),
distributed across the Indus Valley, Central Asia, and the Caucasus,
might represent the genetic vestige of the ANI ).
However, within India the geographic cline (the distance from
Baluchistan) of the Indus/Caucasus signal (PC4 or k5) is very weak,
which is unexpected under the ASI-ANI model, according to which the ANI
contribution should decrease as one moves to the south of the
subcontinent. This can be interpreted as prehistorical migratory
complexity within India that has perturbed the geographic signal of
Overall, the locations of the Indian populations on the PC1/PC2 plotreflect the correlated interplay of geography and language. In
concordance with the geographic spread of the respective language
groups, the Indian Indo-European- and Dravidic-speaking populations are
placed on a north to south cline. The Indian Austroasiatic-speaking
populations are, in turn, in agreement with their suggested origin in
Southeast Asia
drawn away from their Indo-European speaking neighbors toward East
Asian populations. In this respect, it is interesting to note that,
although represented by only one sample each, the positions of
Indo-European-speaking Bhunjia and Dhurwa amidst the Austroasiatic
speakers probably corroborates the proposed language change for these
structure-like analyses, membership in multiple ancestry components can
be interpreted as admixture, shared ancestry, or even unresolved
However, some heuristic interpretations of the ancestry proportions
palette in terms of past migrations seem too obvious to be ignored. For
example, it was first suggested by the German orientalist Max Müller
that ca. 3,500 years ago a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers
from Central Asia (the putative Indo Aryan migration) played a key role
in shaping contemporary South Asian populations and was responsible for
the introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste
system in India. A few studies on mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation have
interpreted their results in favor of the hypothesis, whereas others have found no genetic evidence to support it.However, any nonmarginal migration from Central Asia to South Asia
should have also introduced readily apparent signals of East Asian
ancestry into India .
Because this ancestry component is absent from the region, we have to
conclude that if such a dispersal event nevertheless took place, it
occurred before the East Asian ancestry component reached Central Asia.
The demographic history of Central Asia is, however, complex, and
although it has been shown that demic diffusion coupled with influx of
Turkic speakers during historical times has shaped the genetic makeup of
Uzbeks (see also the double share of k7 yellow component in Uzbeks as compared to Turkmens and Tajiks ,
it is not clear what was the extent of East Asian ancestry in Central
Asian populations prior to these events. Another example of an heuristic
interpretation appears when we look at the two blue ancestry components that explain most of the genetic diversity observed in West Eurasian
populations (at K = 8), we see that only the k4 dark blue component is
present in India and northern Pakistani populations, whereas, in
contrast, the k3 light blue component dominates in southern Pakistan and
Iran. This patterning suggests additional complexity of gene flow
between geographically adjacent populations because it would be
difficult to explain the western ancestry component in Indian
populations by simple and recent admixture from the Middle East.
aspects of the nature of continuity and discontinuity of the genetic
landscape of South Asia and West Eurasia still elude our understanding.
Whereas the maternal gene pool of South Asia is dominated by
autochthonous lineages, Y chromosome variants of the R1a clade are
spread from India (ca 50%) to eastern Europe and their precise origin in
space or time is still not well understood.In our analysis we find genetic ancestry signals in the autosomal genes
with somewhat similar spread patterns. Both PC2 and k5 light green at K
= 8 extend from South Asia to Central Asia and the Caucasus (but not
into eastern Europe). In an attempt to explore diversity gradients
within this signal, we investigated the haplotypic diversity associated
with the ancestry components revealed by ADMIXTURE. Our simulations show
that one can detect differences in haplotype diversity for a migration
event that occurred 500 generations ago, but chances to distinguish
signals for older events will apparently decrease with increasing age
because of recombination. In terms of human population history, our
oldest simulated migration event occurred roughly 12,500 years ago and
predates or coincides with the initial Neolithic expansion in the Near
East. Knowing whether signals associated with the initial peopling of
Eurasia fall within our detection limits requires additional extensive
simulations, but our current results indicate that the often debated
episode of South Asian prehistory, the putative Indo-Aryan migration
3,500 years ago (see e.g., Abdulla)
falls well within the limits of our haplotype-based approach. We found
no regional diversity differences associated with k5 at K = 8. Thus,
regardless of where this component was from (the Caucasus, Near East,
Indus Valley, or Central Asia), its spread to other regions must have
occurred well before our detection limits at 12,500 years. Accordingly,
the introduction of k5 to South Asia cannot be explained by recent gene
flow, such as the hypothetical Indo-Aryan migration. The admixture of
the k5 and k6 components within India, however, could have happened more
recently—our haplotype diversity estimates are not informative about
the timing of local admixture.
k5 and k6 ancestry components that dominate genetic variation in South
Asia at K = 8 demonstrate much greater haplotype diversity than those
that predominate in West Eurasia. This pattern is indicative of a more
ancient demographic history and/or a higher long-term effective
population size underlying South Asian genome variation compared to that
of West Eurasia. Given the close genetic relationships between South
Asian and West Eurasian populations, as evidenced by both shared
ancestry and shared selection signals, this raises the question of
whether such a relationship can be explained by a deep common
evolutionary history or secondary contacts between two distinct
populations. Namely, did genetic variation in West Eurasia and South
Asia accumulate separately after the out-of-Africa migration; do the
observed instances of shared ancestry component and selection signals
reflect secondary gene flow between two regions, or do the populations
living in these two regions have a common population history, in which
case it is likely that West Eurasian diversity is derived from the more
diverse South Asian gene pool.
to observed patterns of neutral genetic diversity, one could ask
whether Indian populations contain a reservoir of selective signals
hitherto unidentified in other Old World groups, akin to what has been
found in uniparentally inherited markers, or whether the region fits
into the Eurasian landscape of positive selection signals.At the global level, our haplotype-based scans of positive selection
showed similar patterns of signal sharing to those revealed by FST
comparisons, and Indian as well as Pakistani populations share more
signals with West Eurasia than with the rest of the world. In fact,
barring the actual numbers on them, and
bear a striking similarity to each other. Despite this, the results
leave ample room for the existence of local adaptation to the Indian
environment, both recent and old. XP-EHH, by its nature, detects older
or stronger sweeps acting on alleles that have reached high frequency in
a given population. Previous studieshave shown that the vast majority of XP-EHH signals are shared across
extended geographic distances. Compared to Pakistani populations (87%),
both north (66%) and south Indian (52%) populations share substantially
less signals of complete selective sweep with European populations
Sharing of the complete sweep signals between India and East Asia is
even lower (53%). In the case of iHS, Indian signals sharing with Europe
and East Asia was less pronounced (37% and 32%, respectively), probably
stemming from the nature of iHS, as it detects younger, on-going sweeps
and is therefore more likely to highlight recent, private signals of
local adaptation that have not yet become widespread by gene flow.
analysis of the genes contained within the top 1% of selective signals
in the countrywide data suggested that 25 GO terms were overrepresented
among our strongest selection candidates, although none were significant
after Benjamini correction. We also tested the top 5% of results in the
Indian data and found that five GO terms related to cell-cell binding
and metal ion binding remained highly significant after multiple testing
corrections (data not shown). However, examination of the genes
associated with these terms revealed that all significant results could
be ascribed to positional gene clustering, whereby multiple genes
associated with the same GO term, generally members of a single gene
family, fell within the same 200 kb window but were treated as
independent findings by the gene set enrichment analysis tool we used.
It is worth recalling that gene-enrichment tools were originally devised
for the assessment of gene expression changes in microarray RNA work,
where individual genes could be unequivocally identified. Given the
degree of resolution provided by the data sets that we have used here,
any attempts to use automated annotation tools to understand signals of
positive selection extending over multiple genes is fraught with
interpretative perils. Alternatives include the precise CMS test that
often is applicable on dense HapMap2 dataor a windowing approach, whereby ontological associations are mapped
not to individual genes, but rather to the windows they occupy. The
latter approach could successfully correct for the clustering effect we
identify and more generally for the effect of gene size on enrichment
results, whereby long genes are more likely to be statistical outliers
simply because they contain more SNPs than short genes, and GO
categories associated with long genes are therefore more likely to
appear enriched. We believe that collapsing annotations to the window
level could reduce the false-positive rate in enrichment scans, although
at the same time it would be far more conservative and risk obscuring
genuine signals. In our data, for example, none of the five significant
GO terms at the genic level are significant when examined at the
windowed level (data not shown).
the wake of these results, we chose to examine the contents of the 20
strongest iHS and XP-EHH signals, which can be expected to contain
candidates for adaptation via classical sweeps. Within these regions we
find four genes—DOK5, MSTN, CLOCK, and PPARA—implicated in lipid metabolism and etiology of type 2 diabetes, although one of them, PPARA, is in a window that contains seven other genes. Variation in DOK5 and CLOCK has been previously associated with type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders, whereas MSTN
is not an obvious candidate for involvement in disease etiology because
its main function is negative regulation of muscle development in
utero; it also plays a significant role in glucose uptake.
Interestingly, Indian newborns weigh on average 700 g less than their
European counterparts yet have a similar absolute fat mass. At birth, these children are already adipose and exhibit some degree of insulin resistance when compared to European babies; this difference persists into adulthood, such that the average age of
diagnosis of diabetes in India is 10 years lower than in Europe.
bears recalling that India has one of the world's fastest growing, and
soon greatest in absolute terms, incidence of type 2 diabetes,as well as a sizeable number of cases of the metabolic syndrome, both of which have been linked to recent rapid urbanization.Phenotypically, even nonobese Asian Indians have been shown to exhibit
increased levels of insulin resistance compared to European controls.They also have increased levels of both subcutaneous and visceral
adipose tissue at the expense of lean tissue when compared to
matched-age and -weight European controlsand show differences in adipocyte morphology.In this context, it is tempting to hypothesize that past natural
selection might have influenced genetic variation at these loci to
increase infant survival, a change that became disadvantageous after
changes in diet and lifestyle. Therefore, the loci we identify could be
theoretically considered responsible for some of the present type 2
diabetes epidemic in India, making them worthy candidates for further
functional examination. However, because relevant life-history traits,
lipid metabolism and type 2 diabetes are all complex traits and the
effect of natural selection would be expected to be fragmented across
multiple genes andit would be naive to expect that a relationship between past selective
processes and present-day disease would be mechanistically simple and
explainable by variation at a handful of genetic loci.
up, our results confirm both ancestry and temporal complexity shaping
the still on-going process of genetic structuring of South Asian
populations. This intricacy cannot be readily explained by the putative
recent influx of Indo-Aryans alone but suggests multiple gene flows to
the South Asian gene pool, both from the west and east, over a much
longer time span. We highlight a few genes as candidates of positive
selection in South Asia that could have implications in lipid metabolism
and etiology of type 2 diabetes. Further studies on data sets without
ascertainment and allele frequency biases such as sequence data will be
needed to validate the signals for selection.
thank A. Migliano, S. Raj, and P. Underhill for discussion; J. Pickrell
and J. Barna for help calculating iHS and XP-EHH scores; A. Aasa, I.
Hilpus, T. Reisberg, V. Soo, and L. Anton for technical assistance.
R.V., M.M., G.C. and C.B.M. thank the European Union European Regional
Development Fund through the Centre of Excellence in Genomics to
Estonian Biocentre, and University of Tartu. This research was supported
by Estonian Basic Research grant SF0270177As08 to R.V. and SF0180026s09
to M.R. and R.M.; Tartu University grant (PBGMR06901) to T.K.; Estonian
Science Foundation grants (7858) to E.M. and (8973) to M.M.; Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research (0180142s08) and European Commission
grant 245536 (OPENGENE) to M.N.; European Commission grant (ECOGENE
205419) to M.M., I.G.R., B.Y., G.H, R.M., and R.V.; and Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India to L.S. and K.T.
Calculations were carried out in the High Performance Computing Center,
University of Tartu and with University of Cambridge Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology services.