Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Aeroplanes (Vimanas) in Ancient VEDIC INDIA


The FIRST ever Nobel prize for physics should have gone to an Indian by the name of Shivkur Bajuji Talpade. 

He flew an unmanned flying saucer. It was an advanced Vedic Mercury ion plasma , imploding and expanding vortex noiseless flying machine , which could move in all directions. Accelerated pressurised Mercury when spun and thus heated gives out latent energy. Vedas had a deep understanding of Quantum physics.

This feat was witnessed by more than three thousand people including Britishers at Chowpatty beach in 1895, eight years before the Wright brothers.

Instead of praising him,the British rulers threatened him and treated him in a shabby manner.Talpade was a Sanskrit scholar who had read Vimanaka Shastra the ancient 7000 years old texts. His wife was very technically savvy and was his partner on the day the flight of MARUTSHAKTI took place.

The airplane was aloft at nearly 200 metres height and was airborne for 18 minutes –after that the Naksha Rasa accumulators ran out of energy .  

Bal Gangadhara Tilak the editor of Kesari Pune had put in an editorial . It was also reported by two other English newspapers, a terse account. Eminent Indian judge Mahadeva Govin-da Ranade and King of Baroda H H Sayaji Rao Gaekwad witessed the flight.

The jolted white man’s media blanked out the news, as Indians were suppose to be good for nothing coolies.  Their whole adventure in India rested on the fact that we were convinced that we are being ruled by a superior ARYAN race.

The fact is we ourselves were the Aryans—NOT them as per DNA tests done extensively.  

When the first steam engine came to Mumbai, the British press had ridiculed Indians for getting scared to death—as “ stupid Indians thought it was the devil ”—and they all had a good sarcastic laugh over brandy and cigars.

The Maharaja of Baroda was summoned by East India Company bosses and warned not to finance any such projects, failing which they would take away his Kingdom.

Pretty soon Talpade’s partner and wife went died mysteriously and Talpade , without his wife and finances , went into deep depression and died in 1916..

Meanwhile the owners Rothschild German Jews , of British East India company , who ruled India , did frantic search all over India for Sanskrit texts and took it away to Germany.

Till then they never realized the worth of Vedic texts – as all thought it was bullshit shepherd’s verses of dreamers . This incident literally sent shick waves.

All these texts are still missing.

Hitler had these translated texts with him. This is how he made SWASTIKA his symbol, as it was the symbol of the Saraswati civilization which existed from 9500 BC to 4000 BC , till Saraswati river dried up.

Imphotep was a Vedic Maharishi who built the Shpinx and gave the blue print for the Pyramids based on the Sri Yantra and the Golden ratio. Here are some pictures.
Below Vaishnavite Maharishi with U mark -- IMHOTEP.

Below IMHOTEP with key to Mount Meru called Ankh or the third eye of Lord Shiva

Below IMHOTEP with Lord Narasimhan--Vishnu half man , half lion avatar.

Below , check out the key ( Ankh ) of Imhotep under the beam, left hand side. ( someone has deliberately vandalised the beam ) . The King's chamber of the pyramids is build like Meru. The Roslyn chapel of Scotland has the picture of Meru and also the stone carving of Narasimhan..

Below here is a portion of the beam enlarged.

Flying Vimana
Hovering Vimana

At that time Vimanas used to fly between Saraswati river basin , India – Alaska Stonehenge SE corner national park—Nazca in Peru—Ankor Wat Meru temple at Cambodia and Easter Island.  

After Talpade died Rothschild employees came to Vijay Wadi made an offer his relatives could NOT refuse , and took away the MARUTSHAKTI . Later Rally brothers took away his manuscripts and texts. Many Sanskrit scholars ( Kashmiri Pandits )  were kidnapped and they were never heard of.

It is no wonder that Hitler had a head start with missiles .Talpade studied and consulted a number of Vedic treatises like Brihad Vaimanika Shastra of Maharishi Bharadwaja Vimanachandrika of Acharya Narayan Muni Viman yantra of Maharish Shownik Yantra Kalp by Maharishi Garg Muni Viman Bindu of Acharya Vachaspati and Vimana Gyanarka Prakashika of Maharishi Dhundiraj’

In Vimana Yantra Sarvaswa , with eight chapters of diagrams . It is mentioned in great detail how to make a plane motionless, how to make it invisible, how to change over to aether ( akasha ZPF ) power from solar power in inter planetary travels, distant radar monitoring of other aircraft, how to listen to sounds inside other planes and underwater craft ( as Vimanas go under water too ), faster than light communications -- secrets of constructing planes which cannot be monitored or destroyed, with planetary gearing silent systems.  
Vaimaanika Shastra explains in detail ,  the metals and alloys and other required material, which can be make an aircraft imperishable in any condition. Planes which will not break (abhedya), or catch fire (adaahya) and which cannot be cut (achchedya) have been described. Along with the treatise there are diagrams of three types of aeroplanes - "Sundara", "Shukana" and "Rukma".

Mercury was known to Indian 11000 years ago as Bharatvarsha extended from Jerusalem to Urals to Cambodia.  Lot of Mercury was available in India and also at Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. Dharnidhar Samhita gives the 16 steps to purify Mercury and make a SOLID Shiva Lingam out of it. Arthashastra of 400 BC mentions mercury, in the military strategy section .

One of my Russian Chief Engineers who sailed with me was in Afghanistan , as he was a soldier . One of his comrades had handled some spent radioactive Mercury and the next day he was sent back to Russia , as his hair fell off.

So here is my advise to US soldiers—if you see Mercury in Afghan caves, keep away from it.  Mercury when heated emits immense radiation.  Russians found complex  ion engine Vimana parts in proper Vimana hangars of the caves of Afghanistan, and they took it away to Moscow .

In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, which means “controller of the battlefield ”, it is written: “Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.

The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.”  "Antima" was "the cloak of invisibility" and "Garima" was how to "how to become as heavy and unmovable"   232 stanzas deal only with construction, and take off.

The mercury propellant is first vapourised fed into the thruster discharge chamber ionised converted into plasma by a combination with electrons broke down electrically and then gyro armature accelerated through small openings in a screen to pass out of the engine at velocities between extremely great speeds. Ionization of air shifts every colour of the spectrum and invisibilty can be achieved.
The mercury was held in 8 temperature and pressure resistant SODA LIME GLASS containers, as per Vimanaka Shastra . Yet it is someone else who invented glass as per the white man. Taxila University of 3000 BC, had 10500 seats for world students from Mesopotamia, Greece , Syria, China , Thailand, Russia , Arabia etc, and the Shatapata Brahmana text in Sanskrit tell how to make glass. The vimanas has transparent glass portholes.
 According to the Dronaparva, part of the 6000 year old Mahabarata, and the Ramayana, one Vimana described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down, backwards and forewards as the pilot desired.  In another Vedic text, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury vortex that shot out of the back in the form of a buzzing flame."   Some of these Vimanas could go underwater too.
 The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the scalar interferometer missiles of war:

"...(the weapon was) a single projectile
charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor...

An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis
And the Andhakas.

... the corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without  cause,
And the birds turned white.

... After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected...
... to escape from this fire
The soldiers jumped into streams
To save themselves and their equipment..."

One section very accurately describes what an atomic explosion would look like and the effects of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping into water is the only respite.

The Ramayana describes :

"The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will .... that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky."

".. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere."

In Mahabharata , Lord Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva's Vimana, the Saubha puts on the cloak of invisibility.  Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: 'I quickly laid on an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound'. Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly, in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis. The narrative records:

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas."

In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written:

"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."

Aeronautics is described in Sanskrit in 100 sections, eight chapters, 500 principles and 3000 slokas including 32 techniques to fly an aircraft.  Depending on the classifications of eras or Yugas in modern Kaliyuga aircraft used are called Krithakavimana flown by the power of engines by absorbing solar energies!

In Kalidasa's ( 800 BC, Raghuvamsham ) Kumarasambhava, while describing Indra's chariot approaching earth from the skies, there is a remark by Mathali, Indra's chariot rider. He says, ""Aho udagra ramaneeyaa prithvi""(How beautiful is the earth looking from here""!)It could have been probably told only by people who travelled in the skies.

The Rig Veda, the oldest document of the human race includes references to the following modes of transportation: Jalayan - a vehicle designed to operate in air and water (Rig Veda 6.58.3); Kaara- Kaara- Kaara- a vehicle that operates on ground and in water. (Rig Veda 9.14.1); Tritala- Tritala- Tritala- a vehicle consisting of three stories. (Rig Veda 3.14.1); Trichakra Ratha - Trichakra Ratha - Trichakra Ratha - a three-wheeled vehicle designed to operate in the air. (Rig Veda 4.36.1); Vaayu Ratha- Vaayu Ratha- Vaayu Ratha- a gas or wind-powered chariot. (Rig Veda 5.41.6); Vidyut Ratha- Vidyut Ratha- Vidyut Ratha- a vehicle that operates on power. (Rig Veda 3.14.1).

Sage Agastya is mentioned in Mahabharata of 4000 BC. The "Agastya Samhita" gives us Agastya`s descriptions of two types of aeroplanes. The first is a "chchatra" (umbrella or balloon) to be filled with hydrogen. The process of extracting hydrogen from water is described in elaborate detail and the use of electricity in achieving this is clearly stated. This was stated to be a primitive type of plane, useful only for escaping from a fort when the enemy had set fire to the jungle all around. Hence the name "Agniyana". The second type of aircraft mentioned is somewhat on the lines of the parachute. It could be opened and shut by operating chords. This aircraft has been described as "vimanadvigunam" i.e. of a lower order than the regular aeroplane. 
Maharishi Bharadwaja is one of the Sapt Rishis and the guru of Dronacharya of Mahabharata , who lived in 4200 BC.  Bharadwaja states that there are thirty-two secrets of the science of aeronautics. Of these some are astonishing and some indicate an advance even beyond our own times. For instance the secret of "para shabda graaha", i.e. a cabin for listening to conversation in another plane, has been explained by elaborately describing an electrically worked sound-receiver .  Later in modern times, this was re-discovered by Nikola Tesla.

In "shatru vimana kampana kriya" and "shatru vimana nashana kriya" gves details on resonating and destroying enemy aircraft,  as well as photographing enemy planes, rendering their occupants unconscious and making one`s own plane invisible. In Vastraadhikarana, the chapter describing the dress and other wear required while flying, talks in detail about the wear for both the pilot and the passenger separately.

In Srimad Bhagavatam it is described that a great mystic named Kardama Muni created an entire floating city in which he and his wife toured around the world. Another Rishi Maya Danava built an entire flying city for Salva. Among other wonderful qualities it possessed the following:
A special navigation system for seeing at night, high speed capability to avoid detection from the ground, and the ability to become either completely invisible or to appear as if there were many copies of it flying in the sky.

The astras or ancient scalar interferometry missiles were far superior in the respect that it can be directed to search and destroy one person, in contrast to the modern nuclear weapons which kill thousands of innocent people indiscriminately. The Brahmastra is created and directed by longitudinal wave , sound vibration. Only highly evolved seers are given the Mantras  to trigger a Brahmastra, as it involves resonating the 12 strand DNA with a king sized pineal gland.

Vedic Vimanas or flying saucers used mercury vortex ion engines. The ion engine was first demonstrated by German-born NASA scientist Ernst Stuhlinger.  The Vedic texts were taken to Germany by Hermann Gundert.

The use of ion propulsion systems were first demonstrated in space by the NASA Lewis “ Space Electric Rocket Test SERT.. These thrusters used mercury as the reaction mass. The first was SERT 1, launched July 20, 1964, successfully proved that the technology operated as predicted in space. The second test, SERT-II, launched on February 3, 1970, verified the operation of two mercury ion engines for thousands of running hours.

The kings chamber coffin , of the Giza pyramid  is NOT a coffin . It used to contain mercury, exported from India . The apex of the Giza pyramids used to give a blue glow which could be seen thousands of miles.

In the video below, 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.2 billion Indians making up 3 out of 6 people on earth do NOT have brains to get a Nobel prize, right?  Yet it is strange inconsistency that if you go to any US university, the Computer Science and Electronic strain classes (which require brains and competition ), have only Indians and Chinese , with a sprinkling of whites. Does the Nobel prize have any meaning, when the only time a Muslim gets it for peace , is for throwing mud on Muslims, on behalf of Jews?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Velocity of Light as in VEDAS & Cloning in Ancient INDIA

Velocity of Light as in VEDAS

Velocity of Light was calculated by Maxwell and postulated by Einstein in 19th century but its was actually determined accurately in Rig Veda.
It was further elaborated by Sayana in 14th century AD.Also Sun was described as a god riding on a chariot with seven horses of different colors. These are the 7 colors in VIBGYOR. Indian Almanacs calculated accurately the motion of planets, sunset, sunrise, eclipses etc without using telescopes.
The fourth verse of the Rigvedic hymn 1:50 (50th hymn in book 1 of rigveda) is as follows:
तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो जयोतिष्क्र्दसि सूर्य |
विश्वमा भासिरोचनम ||
taraNir vishvadarshato jyotishkrdasi surya |
vishvamaa bhaasirochanam ||
which means “Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya (Surya=Sun), maker of the light, Illuming all the radiant realm.”

Commenting on this verse in his Rigvedic commentary, Sayana who was a minister in the court of Bukka of the great Vijayanagar Empire of Karnataka in South India (in early 14th century) says:
"tatha ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojane
ekena nimishardhena kramaman." ||
which means “It is remembered here that Sun (light) traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha”
NOTE: Nimisharda= half of a nimisha
In the vedas Yojana is a unit of distance and Nimisha is a unit of time.
Unit of Time: Nimesa
The Moksha dharma parva of Shanti Parva in Mahabharata describes Nimisha as follows:
15 Nimisha = 1 Kastha
30 Kashta = 1 Kala
30.3 Kala = 1 Muhurta
30 Muhurtas = 1 Diva-Ratri (Day-Night)
We know Day-Night is 24 hours
So we get 24 hours = 30 x 30.3 x 30 x 15 nimisha
in other words 409050 nimisha
We know 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds
So 24 hours = 24 x 3600 seconds = 409050 nimisha
409050 nimesa = 86,400 seconds
1 nimesa = 0.2112 seconds (This is a recursive decimal! Wink of an eye=.2112 seconds!)
1/2 nimesa = 0.1056 seconds
Unit of Distance: Yojana
Yojana is defined in Chapter 6 of Book 1 of the ancient vedic text “Vishnu Purana” as follows
10 ParamAnus = 1 Parasúkshma
10 Parasúkshmas = 1 Trasarenu
10 Trasarenus = 1 Mahírajas (particle of dust)
10 Mahírajas= 1 Bálágra (hair’s point)
10 Bálágra = 1 Likhsha
10 Likhsha= 1 Yuka
10 Yukas = 1 Yavodara (heart of barley)
10 Yavodaras = 1 Yava (barley grain of middle size)
10 Yava = 1 Angula (1.89 cm or approx 3/4 inch)
6 fingers = 1 Pada (the breadth of it)
2 Padas = 1 Vitasti (span)
2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (cubit)
4 Hastas = a Dhanu, a Danda, or pauruSa (a man’s height), or 2 Nárikás = 6 feet
2000 Dhanus = 1 Gavyuti (distance to which a cow’s call or lowing can be heard) = 12000 feet
4 Gavyutis = 1 Yojana = 9.09 miles
Calculation: So now we can calculate what is the value of the speed of light in modern units based on the value given as 2202 yojanas in 1/2 nimesa
= 2202 x 9.09 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 20016.18 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 189547 miles per second !!
As per the modern science speed of light is 186000 miles per second !


Cloning in Ancient INDIA

In Ancient India, animal cloning was done to multiply number of cows and horses. "Rubhus"(ऋभु) are mentioned as brothers (Rubhu, Vajra and Vibhu) were the master in this technique ,as they brought youthfulness to their old parents. They even managed to bring back their lost skills. (They must have used ayurvedic recipes to bring back youthfulness. So much literature about such recipes exist even today but is neglected).They even cloned a cow and a horse.

Seven different sages Kanva Medhatithi (1-20), Angirasa Kutsa (1-110,111), Deerghatamas (1-161), Vishvamitra (3-60), Vamadeva (4-33), Vasistha Maitravaruni (7-48), and Shrunu Arbhava (10-176) mentioned about Rubhus in their vedic verses.These 7 sages belong to different generations, so it is known that Rubhus were known for their work over a long period of time.

The first work of Rubhus was to bring back youthfulness to their old parents. This is mentioned in multiple verses of Rig Veda.
1-20-4 – With their exclusive power they made their old parents youthful again.
1-110-8 – They made their old parents full of youth again by their skill.
1-111-1 – Ingenious Rubhus prepared a chariot for Indra, prepared two powerful horses (2nd being cloned from 1st), made their old parents youthful again and gave new mothers to orphaned calves or children.
1-161-7 – Oh Rubhus, with the power of your intelligence you converted your old parents into youthful state.
4-33-3 – Rubhus who made their old parents youthful again may come to our Yajna.
4-34-9 – Rubhus gave a new life to their old parents, to Aswinau, to a cow and a horse.
4-35-5 – Oh, ingenious Rubhus, you made your old parents youthful again.
4-36-3 – Oh, Rubhu, Vaja and Vibhu, your workmanship of making your old parents youthful again was praised by gods.

The second work of Rubhus was on cows and their first step was to produce a cow which yielded copious milk. (RigVeda 1-20-3).
Probably cows in that generation did not yield enough milk and to meet the demand, cloning was done.They mentioned about a method where skin from cow’s back in taken and cells are multipled from it to produce a new cow (named Viswaroopa) which looks alike.

Third work of Rubhus brothers was to produce two powerful horses. First they created a horse (named Hari) and presented it to Indra. Then they produced another horse which is a clone of Hari and now both were used to yoked to his chariot (1-161-7, 4-33-10).

Before cloning, Rubhus brothers seem to have worked on living cells and their multiplication.
Sun gave ‘Chamasa‘ with Amruta to Rubhus (1-110-3) and they divided it into four equal parts.
‘Chamasa‘ here can be considered as a cell and amruta (immortal thing) makes it a living cell.
Rig Veda suggests a Chamasa having Chit or Chetana or Manas, so Chit-Chamasa means a living cell.
A fertilised egg can be called as ‘Chit Chamasa‘. It was divided into four by Rubhus, which means Rubhus evolved four animals from a single zygote or fertilised ovum.This living cell or an embryo is prepared Twashta (God).

During the experiment, eldest brother(Rubu) said, “ we can make two cells from the original one ” (4-33-5). However, the younger(Vajra) brother said, “ We can make three” , because he observed that when one cell was divided into two, there were three cells.
The youngest brother(Vibhu) observed and said , “ We can make four ”, as second cell also can be divided equally like the first.

Next was human cloning, which is mentioned in story of King Vena.He was a great king but became evil and corrupt. So, Mother Earth (Bhoodevi) decided that she would not provide crops to humans anymore.A group of Rishis (Sages) killed King Vena out of anger. They removed all the evil from his corpse’s thigh.
Then they created his clone from his arm.This clone had similar body but however, mind cannot be cloned. So, a new King who was named ‘Prithu’ was created with pure mind. He brought back Mother Earth (Bhoodevi) to her normal state and promised be her eternal guardian. This is why Earth (Bhoodevi is also known as Prithvi.

There are examples of abnormal cloning, like of Nishada in Vishnu Purana.Nishada, though an abnormal clone, could live long and could produce children. His tribe was known after his name and King Nala (of the famous Nala-Damayanti story in Mahabharata) and Ekalavya were his descendants.

Rubhus had also made a chariot flying in air, so they were automobile engineers too.

There are many more instanced like the demon ‘Rakta Beeja’ or Ahi-Ravana and Mahi-Ravana who produce Rakshasas(demons) who look like them from their blood drops in war. It might be cloning from the white blood corpuscles, which contain nuclei.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mysteries Explored: Shocking science behind Hindu traditions:

Mysteries Explored:  Shocking science behind Hindu traditions

Indian Customs Vs Scientific Reasons Traditions in Hinduism were considered mainly as superstitions, but with the advent of science, it is becoming evident that these traditions are based on some scientific knowledge and moved from generations to generations as traditions. Though the common people did not know science in it, they were following it very faithfully over the years. This blog is an attempt to bring forward the science involved in these traditions and rituals...

1. Throwing Coins into a River: The general reasoning given for this act is that it brings Good Luck. However, scientifically speaking, in the ancient times, most of the currency used was made of copper unlike the stainless steel coins of today. Copper is a vital metal very useful to the human body. Throwing coins in the river was one way our fore-fathers ensured we intake sufficient copper as part of the water as rivers were the only source of drinking water. Making it a custom ensured that all of us follow the practice.
2. Joining Both Palms together to Greet: In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms - termed as “Namaskar.” The general reason behind this tradition is that greeting by joining both the palms means respect. However, scientifically speaking, joining both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them together is said to activate the pressure points which helps us remember that person for a long time. And, no germs since we don’t make any physical contact!
3. Why do Indian Women wear Toe Ring: Wearing toe rings is not just the significance of married women but there is science behind it. Normally toe rings are worn on the second toe. A particular nerve from the second toe connects the uterus and passes to heart. Wearing toe ring on this finger strengthens the uterus. It will keep it healthy by regulating the blood flow to it and menstrual cycle will be regularized. As Silver is a good conductor, it also absorbs polar energies from the earth and passes it to the body.
4. Applying Tilak on the Forehead: On the forehead, between the two eyebrows, is a spot that is considered as a major nerve point in human body since ancient times. The Tilak is believed to prevent the loss of "energy", the red 'kumkum' between the eyebrows is said to retain energy in the human body and control the various levels of concentration. While applying kumkum the points on the mid-brow region and Adnya-chakra are automatically pressed. This also facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles.

5. Why do Temples have Bells: People who are visiting the temple should and will Ring the bell before entering the inner sanctum (Garbhagudi or Garbha Gruha or womb-chamber) where the main idol is placed. According to Agama Sastra, the bell is used to give sound for keeping evil forces away and the ring of the bell is pleasant to God. However, the scientific reason behind bells is that their ring clears our mind and helps us stay sharp and keep our full concentration on devotional purpose. These bells are made in such a way that when they produce a sound it creates a unity in the Left and Right parts of our brains. The moment we ring the bell, it produces a sharp and enduring sound which lasts for minimum of 7 seconds in echo mode. The duration of echo is good enough to activate all the seven healing centres in our body. This results in emptying our brain from all negative thoughts.
6. Why do we have Navratras: Our living style has drastically changed if we compare it to the society hundreds & thousands of years ago. The traditions which we follow in present are not establishments of today but of the past. Ever thought, why do we have Navratras twice a year unlike other festivals like Deepawali or Holi? Well, both these months are the months of changing seasons and the eating habits of both the seasons are quite different from each other. Navratras give enough time to the body to adjust and prepare itself for to the changing season. These nine days were marked as a period when people would clean their body system by keeping fasts by avoiding excessive salt and sugar, meditate, gain a lot of positive energy, gain a lot of self confidence & increase the self determination power (fasts are a medium to improve our will power and self determination) and finally get ready for the challenges of the changed season.
7. Why do we worship Tulsi Plant: Hindu religion has bestowed ‘Tulsi’, with the status of mother. Also known as ‘Sacred or Holy Basil’, Tulsi, has been recognized as a religious and spiritual devout in many parts of the world. The vedic sages knew the benefits of Tulsi and that is why they personified it as a Goddess and gave a clear message to the entire community that it needs to be taken care of by the people, literate or illiterate. We try to protect it because it is like Sanjeevani for the mankind. Tulsi has great medicinal properties. It is a remarkable antibiotic. Taking Tulsi everyday in tea or otherwise increases immunity and help the drinker prevent diseases, stabilize his or her health condition, balance his or her body system and most important of all, prolong his or her life. Keeping Tulsi plant at home prevents insects and mosquitoes from entering the house. It is said that snakes do not dare to go near a Tulsi plant. Maybe that is why ancient people would grow lots of Tulsi near their houses.
8. Why do we worship Peepal Tree: ‘Peepal’ tree is almost useless for an ordinary person, except for its shadow. ‘Peepal’ does not a have a delicious fruit, its wood is not strong enough for any purpose then why should a common villager or person worship it or even care for it? Our ancestors knew that ‘Peepal’ is one of the very few trees (or probably the only tree) which produces oxygen even at night. So in order to save this tree because of its unique property they related it to God/religion.
9. Start with Spice & End with Sweet: Our ancestors have stressed on the fact that our meals should be started off with something spicy and sweet dishes should be taken towards the end. The significance of this eating practice is that while spicy things activate the digestive juices and acids and ensure that the digestion process goes on smoothly and efficiently, sweets or carbohydrates pulls down the digestive process. Hence, sweets were always recommended to be taken as a last item.
10. Choti on the Male Head: Sushrut rishi, the foremost surgeon of Ayurveda, describes the master sensitive spot on the head as Adhipati Marma, where there is a nexus of all nerves. The shikha protects this spot. Below, in the brain, occurs the Brahmarandhra, where the sushumnã (nerve) arrives from the lower part of the body. In Yog, Brahmarandhra is the highest, seventh chakra, with the thousand-petalled lotus. It is the centre of wisdom. The knotted shikhã helps boost this centre and conserve its subtle energy known as ojas.
11. Applying Mehendi/Henna on the Hand: Besides lending color to the hands, mehndi is a very powerful medicinal herb. Weddings are stressful, and often, the stress causes headaches and fevers. As the wedding day approaches, the excitement mixed with nervous anticipation can take its toll on the bride and groom. Application of mehndi can prevent too much stress because it cools the body and keeps the nerves from becoming tense. This is the reason why mehndi is applied on the hands and feet, which house nerve endings in the body.
12. Celebration & Cleaning During Diwali: Diwali usually falls in October or November which marks the start of winter season and end of rainy season. Rainy season wasn't a good time for everyone back then; many homes needed repair and renovation after a heavy fall. That is why time before diwali was considered the period during which everyone can indulge in cleaning and beautification of their home. And also take out their winter clothes and pack the summer ones.
13. Sitting on the Floor & Eating: This tradition is not just about sitting on floor and eating, it is regarding sitting in the “Sukhasan” position and then eating. Sukhasan is the position we normally use for Yoga asanas. Sitting in this position while eating helps in improving digestion as the circulatory system can focus solely upon digestion and not on our legs dangling from a chair or supporting us while we are standing.
14. Why not to sleep with Your Head towards North: Myth is that it invites ghost or death but science says that it is because human body has its own magnetic field (Also known as hearts magnetic field, because the flow of blood) and Earth is a giant magnet. When we sleep with head towards north, our body's magnetic field become completely asymmetrical to the Earth's Magnetic field. That cause problems related to blood pressure and our heart needs to work harder in order to overcome this asymmetry of Magnetic fields. Apart from this another reason is that Our body have significant amount of iron in our blood. When we sleep in this position, iron from the whole body starts to congregate in brain. This can cause headache, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cognitive Decline, Parkinson disease and brain degeneration.
15. Surya Namaskar: Hindus have a tradition of paying regards to Sun God early in the morning by their water offering ritual. It was mainly because looking at Sun rays through water or directly at that time of the day is good for eyes and also by waking up to follow this routine, we become prone to a morning lifestyle and mornings are proven to be the most effective part of the day.
16. Ear Piercing in Children: Piercing the ears has a great importance in Indian ethos. Indian physicians and philosophers believe that piercing the ears helps in the development of intellect, power of thinking and decision making faculties. Talkativeness fritters away life energy. Ear piercing helps in speech-restraint. It helps to reduce impertinent behaviour and the ear-channels become free from disorders. This idea appeals to the Western world as well, and so they are getting their ears pierced to wear fancy earrings as a mark of fashion.
17. Application of Sindoor or Vermillion: It is interesting to note that that the application of sindoor by married women carries a physiological significance. This is so because Sindoor is prepared by mixing turmeric-lime and the metal mercury. Due to its intrinsic properties, mercury, besides controlling blood pressure also activates sexual drive. This also explains why Sindoor is prohibited for the widows. For best results, Sindoor should be applied right upto the pituitary gland where all our feelings are centered. Mercury is also known for removing stress and strain.
18. The scientific explanation of ouching Feet(charan sparsh): Usually, the person of whose feet you are touching is either old or pious. When they accept your respect which came from your reduced ego (and is called your shraddha) their hearts emit positive thoughts and energy (which is called their karuna) which reaches you through their hands and toes. In essence, the completed circuit enables flow of energy and increases cosmic energy, switching on a quick connect between two minds and hearts. To an extent, the same is achieved through handshakes and hugs. The nerves that start from our brain spread across all your body. These nerves or wires end in the fingertips of your hand and feet. When you join the fingertips of your hand to those of their opposite feet, a circuit is immediately formed and the energies of two bodies are connected. Your fingers and palms become the ‘receptor’ of energy and the feet of other person become the ‘giver’ of energy.
19. Why do we Fast: The underlying principle behind fasting is to be found in Ayurveda. This ancient Indian medical system sees the basic cause of many diseases as the accumulation of toxic materials in the digestive system. Regular cleansing of toxic materials keeps one healthy. By fasting, the digestive organs get rest and all body mechanisms are cleansed and corrected. A complete fast is good for heath, and the occasional intake of warm lemon juice during the period of fasting prevents the flatulence. Since the human body, as explained by Ayurveda, is composed of 80% liquid and 20% solid, like the earth, the gravitational force of the moon affects the fluid contents of the body. It causes emotional imbalances in the body, making some people tense, irritable and violent. Fasting acts as antidote, for it lowers the acid content in the body which helps people to retain their sanity. Research suggests there are major health benefits to caloric restriction like reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, immune disorders etc.
20. Why Idol Worship: Hinduism propagates idol worship more than any other religion. Researchers say that this was initiated for the purpose of increasing concentration during prayers. According to psychiatrists, a man will shape his thoughts as per what he sees. If you have 3 different objects in front of you, your thinking will change according to the object you are viewing. Similarly, in ancient India, idol worship was established so that when people view idols it is easy for them to concentrate to gain spiritual energy and meditate without mental diversion.
21. Why do Indian Women wear Bangles: Normally the wrist portion is in constant activation on any human. Also the pulse beat in this portion is mostly checked for all sorts of ailments. The Bangles used by women are normally in the wrist part of ones hand and its constant friction increases the blood circulation level. Further more the electricity passing out through outer skin is again reverted to one's own body because of the ring shaped bangles, which has no ends to pass the energy outside but to send it back to the body.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Modern Inventions Stolen from Vedas

Modern Inventions Stolen from Vedas

What truth the Government Never want you to know?

Is it because they want to generate revenues by charging money which was originally sent by God as free assets for the mankind…!!…These governments are true followers of Kaliyuga’s  negative influence in this material world.

Vedas were created by Supreme God Krishna himself and later compiled by great Sage Vyasa.

The most ancient ever known yet greatest gift to human race of Vedas are langauge and ways to communicate. Without language internal (self-talking) and external (talking to others) communication is not possible. Sanskrit from Vedas is the only language in the world which is 100% error free, pious and has sounds that is borrowed by succeeding  languages which came into existence after Sanskrit. Each language in this world relies within the sounds from  (a – ) a to gya (dn   ज्ञ) – taking these sounds completely from Sanskrit. Knowing Sanskrit means grasping 90% of the world languages at finger tips. Yes…because after mastery of Sanskrit, learning any language become very easy.
Pronouncing of most sacred sound ‘OM’ is known to world by Sanskrit.
Earth is only a medium to achieve rightful place for each pious human being (soul) on higher planets made only for such beings.
But earthly people engage themselves in materialistic pleasures and to get these – they resort to deceit, cheat, money, power, lies and theft. Modern scientists are great examples of these traits in this material world.

Why Did All The Discoveries Happened in 19th Century

The main reason why Scientists though secretly follow Christianity in personal lives, publicly remain atheist so that they can negate Vedic teachings with full force. As if atheist get this authority by default.
When it comes to knowledge of the universe we live in, modern scientists are often described as “experts” in the same way a blind man will describe a man with fuzzy vision as expert in seeing. These scientists with just 1% of that contextual Vedic knowledge tried to make inventions by thrusting assumptions as modern theories (since most of the times, the translation of Vedas was done based on their inability to comprehend, even changing the meaning of the Vedic term due to their ignorance).
The only purpose of these scientists was to earn fame, name and money – while stealing bits of information from Vedas.
It was 19th century, after colonializing India for several decades, westerners got hold of nuances of Vedas at surface level. They understood a bit about powerful knowledge that Vedas had. They also were able to grasp Hindi and Sanskrit language due to long stay in India. Vedas had free information, as it was heritage of mankind for the development of human race – to rise to the higher planets – devoid of wicked materialistic traits. Westerners were never used to free knowledge in their home countries. Any kind of knowledge was envisioned from commercial point of view, secrets were kept under wraps so that the idea can be milked for longer time. When they found great knowledge of Vedas – that too powerful yet free, they were up for grabs. These fools were so astonished that in a bid to earn name and fame in shorter possible time; they hurriedly translated Vedas in their own languages without fully knowing their meanings and main purpose. That is the reason why most of the modern scientific principles fails on the parameters of original source of Vedic principles, these cannot be validated by the Vedas. Some of the known scientists/inventors that mis-construed Vedas for personal gain are given below:

Exploration with the help of Vedas

Earth and her continents with size, distance, features and their prosperities were always detailed in Vedas. As an example, let us look at the naming of the very continents of North and South America. Both great land masses were well populated and existed long, long before they were “discovered” by Columbus when the Italian explorer first landed on Watling Island in 1492.
Shankhdvip (conch shaped island) in Vedas is today called Africa. one of these great continents would soon be named for Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Similarly, to this day borrowed “discoveries” are still appropriated in all branches of science. Refer the images below for the shape and distance of 9 continents, khand, mentioned in Vedas. India is still known as Bharat Varsha by Sanskrit pandits. Though Bharath Varsha or India that we all today know is just small part of rest of the hidden Bharath Varsha – that cannot be found or roamed with basic human features we have, we need to elevate our consciousness to highest level, rising our kundalini, and becoming creator (shiva) by enlarging our pineal gland while chanting mahamantras with meditation while practicing celibacy.

Units of Energy, Power and other elements were mentioned in Vedas

It were Vedas that gave names and details to unit of energy, elements, materials, power and their measurements – which are just tip of iceberg compared to it’s ocean of knowledge.
History records many other such instances of mis-appropriations in the names of discovery or science. For example, the electrical measurement or volt is named after Alessandro Umberto Volta who lived in the 19th century. The avogardo constant in the field of elementary particles is named after Amedeo Avogadro. The measure of frequency is called hertz after Heinrich Hertz. The synthetic element nobelium is named after Alfred Nobel.
Let us take the example of Charles Darwin who lived during the heyday of the British Raj, from 1809 till 1882, regularly communicating with Britishers in India. Darwin became the father of the Darwinian theory of evolution much as Amerigo Vespucci is the “father” of America. There is evidence that Darwin requisitioned the concept of evolution from the Vedas. He adapted the Vedic version of transmigration of the soul from lower to higher bodies, to the grossly materialistic western view by propounding his atheistic views of physical evolution. In a word, Darwin’s demonic and unproved fake theory declared that the physical body does not contain an eternal soul and that evolution is based upon some phantasmagorical transformation of matter rather than the evolution of purified consciousness.

How Thieves of Vedic Knowledge Became Invaders and Scientists of Future

Once these discoveries of continents and basic sciences were in their hands, instead of honoring the learning and realizations of their new-found teachers, the explorers turned into invaders. They responded by diabolically seizing the lands of less aggressive and unsuspecting people while covering their own tracks by labeling these cultures as barbaric. The knowledge of the local folk was ingeniously used to enslave them.
The genocidal decimation of the Native Americans—the so-called red Indians of North and South America, where entire languages and cultures were utterly lost—stands as the historical record. Yet no place on earth became subject to Kali Yuga exploitation as it was designed in Europe like India. Thus a once-glorious country was turned into a tarnished jewel in the crown of the British Empire. History was re-written with the bloodshed of millions of innocent, simple people who were killed, tortured or enslaved.
The shores of India were beseiged by private companies of different European origins—France, the Netherlands, Portugal and England—in the early 17th century. By the beginning of the 19th century, it was Britain and its East India Company that had gradually succeeded in taking over the country and which then held ninety percent of India’s territory.
Not co-incidentally, the greatest strides in science were achieved during those days of glory when Britain held India in her iron grip. The factual Vedic version was scrutinized by those Western minds and interpreted according to their very limited capacity. As a result, this new-found knowledge of India was suitably altered and adapted in ways that would prove suitable to serve the needs of the Western world. Much of the ancient texts of India were translated into English, German and other languages and carefully kept in the British libraries. Meanwhile the politically-motivated theory of Aryan invasion was promoted as a political ruse to override and minimize the ancient glory of Bharata-varsha. The foreign invaders were free to utilize India’s heritage for their own so called “scientific discoveries”.
Many mechanical devices and machines were invented in the 19th century leading to increased production with a result that populations now began to centralize in the cities. Such sophisticated mechanics are well described in the Vimana Shastra and Vedic Sutras which deals with the science of aerodynamics and mechanics – within their shlokas. Even by today’s standards, if properly applied, these Vedic Sutras can create most advanced technological instruments and mammoth machines ever known to mankind.
Some unusual discoveries were also made in the 19th century; after translation of Vedas to almost all major languages of the world. In 1820 the mission of Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen of Russia discovered Antarctica, with the help of Vedic mappings. Consequently in 1899 Stepan Osipovich Makarov led the first icebreaker on an expedition to the Arctic. Tibet was part of India and had Vedic (Hindu) teachings before Buddhism originated from Hinduism.  With his explorations of Tibet, Nikolay Przhevalsky and other Russian pioneers were the first proponents that the Earth may have other dimensions—and in fact may be hollow. While it is already mentioned in Vedas that there are over 64 dimensions – some sceintists even today are still rallying for 10 dimensions while Vedas clearly says its far more than that.
See the following quote as a proof from Shrila Prabhupda (SB 5.24.8):
“In these seven planetary systems, which are also known as the subterranean heavens [bila-svarga], there are very beautiful houses, gardens and places of sense enjoyment, which are even more opulent than those in the higher planets because the demons have a very high standard of sensual pleasure, wealth and influence. Most of the residents of these planets, who are known as daityas, danavas and nagas, live as householders. Their wives, children, friends and society are all fully engaged in illusory, material happiness. The sense enjoyment of the demigods is sometimes disturbed, but the residents of these planets enjoy life without disturbances. Thus they are understood to be very attached to illusory happiness.”
Many device of modern science are merely gross material manifestations of the subtle powers long known to India’s adepts. For example, telepathy is a siddhi known to the yogis, inspired long distance communications like the telegraph which first came about in 1837. Telepathy is the psychic transfer of thoughts, concepts, images, sounds, power, strength and feelings that were easily done by Siddh Sadhus. Similarly, the first electric motor was built in 1829. Therefore it is evident that the inspiration for many scientific discoveries came from information that already exists in the Vedas. Telepathy is recent term coined in 19th century. While Vedas, Mahabharat, Ramayan has innumerable instances of successful telepathic journies.
The Vedas are known as the manual of the Universe. All scientific phenomena are ever present in latent or obvious forms in the vast creations of Shri Krishna. As stated in Shrimad Bhagavatam (1.2.32): “The Lord as Supersoul pervades all things, just as fire permeates wood, and so He appears to be of many varieties, though He is the absolute one without a second.”

Stealing Vedic Theories AS IT IS and Even Following Its Community Living

In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev created the Periodic Table of Elements. He was famous for his quote that resounds the wisdom of the Vedas: “Nothing is lost. Matter only transforms from one state to another.” Right from this Sutra to other details, the Vedas are full of classifications, including the elements. See this from Shrila Prabhupada’s purport to SB 1.3.10: “The sum total of the creative elements is twenty-four in all. Each and every one of them is explicitly explained in the system of Sankhya philosophy. Sankhya philosophy is generally called metaphysics by the European scholars. The etymological meaning of sankhya is ‘that which explains very lucidly by analysis of the material elements.’ This was done for the first time by Lord Kapila, who is said herein to be the fifth in the line of incarnations.”
It was not love of local culture, as later falsely claimed by westerners, when several of their theories and experiments failed, over 100,000 fatal accidents have occurred in 19th century alone by wrongly using Vedic principles due to half-baked implications of knowledge, that also made them translators or writers of dictionaries. These also killed several thousand slaves and Indians who were used as guinea humans for experiments. It was wicked plan to loot the local culture and later claim it as own. If they had loved local culture they would have attributed their findings to Vedic culture and kept high regards for local language not destroyed the original culture, also never would had tried to push anglicization on the natives.
In 1820 the Hungarian Sándor Kőrösi Csoma set out for Tibet to explore the culture of the region. With British assistance Csoma was able to translate many Tibetan works, which were based on Vedic teachings. Thus the first English-Tibetan Dictionary came into existence and the mysticism of Tibet became available to the western world.
Another interesting detail linked to the 19th century is that London doubled its population. The medical science then advanced so much that many modern diseases were treated. Anesthesia was also used for the first time in 1842. This success is linked to the science of Ayurveda that has solutions for all diseases not excluding even the plague and cancer. Surgeries and devices were already known to native Indians. The treatment of Lord Ram’s brother Lakshman was due to Ayurvedic knowledge. Sanjeevani Buti is still present, even today, on the same place where the mountain was kept.
By the 19th century personal hygiene was now held in great esteem, contrary to the Middle Ages then people seldom bathed, if at all. This practice prolonged even in the Renaissance when cologne perfumes were invented in France to cover the foul odors ( today this practice is very common -remnants of old western culture) of the privileged and royal classes. Its mentioned in their personal memoirs that bathing was a boring practice for them. But when they came to know about hygienic factors of bathing from Indians. They began to adopt it. Hygiene was and is deeply imbedded in the culture of India. Even then, the brahmanas were accustomed to bathing thrice daily in order to maintain the high standard of cleanliness required for the performance of sacred ceremonies. The British imported these elevated standards of hygiene first and other nations followed. Some of the first advocates of hygiene like Philipp Semmelweis came from the hospitals. He “discovered” that the likelihood of disease is drastically reduced when a person is clean – clearly mentioned umpteen times in Vedas, Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharat.
“The three transcendental qualifications—cleanliness, austerity and mercy—are the qualifications of the twice-born and the demigods. Those who are not situated in the quality of goodness cannot accept these three principles of spiritual culture.” (SB 3.16.22)

How Self Controlling Knowledge was turned into Lustful Kamasutra

Misconceptions of Kamasutra

The poses of Kama Sutra were to teach birth and self-control. This is further proven by modern s*xologists observation that most of the poses are very hard, require patience and DO NOT DERIVE lustful pleasures.
Kamasutra taught that the concentrated strength directed into foetus can give rise to stronger child rather than giving birth to several children with demonic behaviors.  Gandhari had 100 children all of demonic nature. Vatsayana was himself celibate so him being teacher of s*xual misconducts is impossible. For grahasth ashramis – Practice celibacy and give birth to a child with bigger pineal glands and great strength was the motto of Kamasutra.
Original Kamasutra never taught illegal relationships and indulging physical relationships with women. Just to promote their evil acts of illegal relationships – later versions of Kamasutra were developed by westerners to fulfill illicit desires and justify filthy demonic behaviours.
Another social change grew from the translation of Kama Sutra by the British explorer and attaché Richard Francis Burton. Contrary to current belief, the actual purpose of kama shastra is one of self-control. For example Kama Sutra begins with the admonishment that s*xual relations are proscribed in three of four ashrams: brahmacahary, vanaprastha and sannyasa. Therefore the purpose of kama shastra is not to propagate illicit s*x, but to control physical urges for procreation in the grihasta ashram. A married couple should never indulge in illicit relationship but restrain even having excessive copulations among themselves – to maintain austerity and piousful mind. However, the Western mind imposed its own misunderstanding upon the Kama Sutra and painted India’s culture as one of unrestrained sense gratification. Misunderstood, the book inspired free exploitation of s*xual activities that lead to many social changes not only in uncontrolled s*xual partnerships but also indirectly gave birth to the feminist movements. Shockingly, even latest versions of Kamasutras have new ideologies (which were not present in previous versions) to mistreat women as s*x objects. This is being done with the same cunning ploy with which presently, simple and meditational Indian Yoga poses are turned in western lustful forms such as Hot Yogas or S*x Yogas or Nude Yogas or Tantric Yogas. In future, may be few generations after us, people might think that Yoga is a way to enhance or enjoy s*xual activities but not inner strength and consciousness which is it’s actual power. The real essence of Yoga will be lost like today, true Kamasutra is almost extinct.
Ancient Indians used to call karma as the basis of their existence but it was changed to kaam which westerners interpreted as task.
The worst thing that happened was, while Indians were prospering on the great concept of karma – good karma takes you to higher planets.
Britishers came and they enthrusted Kaam=Karma as meaning of Hindi langauge in their dictionaries, forcing more such thoughts in schools and education.

These displaced Indians from doing Karma  to doing kaam = task and thereby changing the basis of their existence and also their way of life – culturally, socially and economically.

But still westerners were influenced, the new doctrines of the 19th century were tremendously influenced by the teachings of the East and Vedas. Georg Friedrich Hegel, a German philosopher, explored the relationship of the mind and nature. Allan Kardec founded Spiritism, was awarded for which he stated that the soul does not die with the so-called “death” of the body (super lift off from Srimad Bhagwad Gita). Friedrich Nietzsche, the master of the “school of suspicion”, proved by his own example that over-intelligence leads to denial of God. Arthur Schopenhauer explored the nature of desires, and stated that desires cannot be satisfied unless one turns to a more renounced lifestyle (Referred from teachings in Mahabharat, Ramayan, Vedas). Vladimir Solovyov and Master Peter Dunov took some of the elements that they found in the Vedas and implemented them into Christianity. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society intending to discover the Ultimate Truth through the help of Eastern philosophy. Sigmund Freud also used ideas found in the Vedas wherein, it is clearly explained that the s*xual urge is the underlying principle of material existence. Carl Jung developed the analytical philosophy and published his finding on the archetype or the Supersoul.

Stealing Observations and Theories of Vedas and Claiming as Their own Findings

Science expanded its views in the area of observation as well. Thomas Edison developed the light bulb and the motion picture based on Vedic principles. Sun rays emitting illusory rainbows, speed of light and its composition are all explained in Vedas. The idea that light defines or makes our universe visible can be found as explained by Shrila Prabhupada in his purport to SB 2.9.4 “In the darkness one cannot see the sun, nor himself, nor the world. But in the sunlight one can see the sun, himself and the world around him.”
Thomas Edison could not hide his feelings for Vedas. The gramophone (aka record player) was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the United States in the 19th century, based purely on sound vibration theories of Vedas. For the first recording, and to demonstrate the new machine, Edison asked Professor Max Muller, an eminent scholar of Sanskrit in England, to speak in front of an audience. Before this, Max Muller tried hard to westernize Vedas but when he failed miserably, he openly confessed that Vedas should remain untouched as they are gift to mankind by God himself.
Max Muller recorded first shloka of Rig Veda agni meele purohitam in his voice.
Max Muller explained his choice to the audience. He said, “Vedas are the oldest text of the human race and agni meele purohitam is the first verse of Rig Veda. In the most primordial time, when the people did not know how to even cover their bodies and lived by hunting and housed in caves, Indians had attained highest civilization and they gave the world universal philosophies in the form of the Vedas.”
When agni meele purohitam was replayed the entire audience stood up in silence as a mark of respect for the ancient Indian Sages.
Alexander von Humboldt saw that the continents once were a joined land – his claim was based on theories that were never proven. Could his inspiration have originated from the story of King Priyavrata who divided the world into seven continents by his chariot?
“Maharaja Priyavrata lived with his wife and family for many thousands of years. The impressions from the rims of Maharaja Priyavrata’s chariot wheels created seven oceans and seven islands. Of the ten sons of Priyavrata, three sons named Kavi, Mahavira and Savana accepted sannyasa, the fourth order of life, and the remaining seven sons became the rulers of the seven islands.” (SB 5.1, Summary)
Nikolai Lobachevsky worked on the curving of space: a fact which occurs due to our limited sense organs, namely, the roundness of our eyes. His so-called “discoveries” bear his name to this day, again purely lifting as it is from great Vedas. Lobachevskian geometry was based on Vedic teachings of Satapatha Brahmana and Sulbha Sutras. Bernhard Riemann put the basis for the theory of relativity in which everything can become relative depending of one’s point of observation, again taking leaf from:
Factually, (the Lord’s) appearance and disappearance are like the sun’s rising, moving before us, and then disappearing from our eyesight. When the sun is out of sight, we think that the sun is set, and when the sun is before our eyes, we think that the sun is on the horizon. Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. And, because His appearance and disappearance are completely different from that of any ordinary, common living entity, it is evident that He is eternal, blissful knowledge by His internal potency-and He is never contaminated by material nature. BG 4.6( Purport)
Léon Foucault worked on measuring the speed of light or other big masses like earth and space. These ideas to measure space and time are also taken from the Vedas:
Each and every planet within the universe travels at a very high speed. From a statement in Shrimad Bhagavatam it is understood that even the sun travels sixteen thousand miles in a second, and from Brahma-samhita we understand from the shloka, yach-chakshur esha savita sakala-graham that the sun is considered to be the eye of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, and it also has a specific orbit within which it circles. SB 4.12.39 Purport.

Some Scientists Acknowledged Vedic Contributions but Never were as Honest

Nikola Tesla has gained popularity through his exploration in the studies of frequencies or the power of sound which was well known in the Vedas. Even common Indians knew that chanting mantras at specific frequencies can generate positivity in the atmosphere and lead to emergence of energy. The secrets of sound and its vibration are known to common Indians since ages. Vedas are filled with such theories and explanations how chanting mantras and then aiming arrow in that direction can create or destruct lightning or fire or any form of energy which get triggered with that particular sound resonated in that suitable frequency. Its like everything is locked in nature and universe by Lord Krishna himself, and we just have to know password (sound frequency) to unlock it for the everyone’s benefit.
Albert Einstein stated, “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” He also said “Whenever he found difficulties in experiments, he referred Vedas for insights.”
Mark Twain admitted, “India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.”
The French scholar Romain Rolland wrote, “If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.”
But the basic history of scientific discovery can be summarized like that: Lord Buddha almost denied the Vedas, yet He also relied on the Vedas, it’s ways of meditations and modified it by His own example.

Vedas Had Quantum Physics and String Theories Explained

Vaisheshika Atomic theory (600 BC), It dealt with nuances of atomic particles in detailed manner.
The Vaisheshika sutra proclaims the futility of life in the temporary world (maya) and proposes that an understanding of god can free an individual from Karma, following which liberation will ensue. Major ideas contained in the Vaisheshika Sutra are:
  • There are nine classes of realities: four classes of atoms (earth, water, light and air), space (akasha), time (kāla), direction (dik), infinity of souls (Atman), mind (manas).
  • Individual souls are eternal and pervade material body for a time.
  • There are seven categories (padārtha) of experience — substance, quality, activity, generality, particularity, inherence and non-existence.
Several traits of substances (dravya) are given as colour, taste, smell, touch, number, size, the separate, coupling and uncoupling, priority and posterity, comprehension, pleasure an pain, attraction and revulsion, and wishes.
Vaisheshika Sutras were used by modern atomists and greeks as a basic foundation to initiate their so called experiments in atoms. Most of the papers submitted by these scientists had rephrased Vaisheshika Sutras in their own languages to show that it’s their part of invention. But since they copied everything with limited minds – even today comparison of Vaisheshika Sutras with modern theories show that Vaisheshika Sutras were far more advanced and covered the explanation in simplistic ways – considering inter-connectedness of every element.
The famous Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962), was a follower of the Vedas. He said, “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.” Both Bohr and Schrödinger, the founders of quantum physics, were avid readers of the Vedic texts and tried to validate their experiments in quantum physics consistently with what they had read in the Vedas. They always aligned their experiment with the teachings of the Vedas.
Niels Bohr got the ball rolling around 1900 by explaining why atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation only at certain frequencies.
Then, in the 1920′s Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), an Austrian-Irish physicist, who won the Nobel prize, came up with his famous wave equation that predicts how the Quantum Mechanical wave function changes with time. Wave functions are used in Quantum Mechanics to determine how particles move and interact with time.
In the 1920′s Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) formulated his famous uncertainty principal, which states when a physicist attempts to observe a subatomic particle, the experimental apparatus inevitably alters the subatomic particle’s trajectory. This is because they are trying to observe something that is of the same scale (limitations) as the photons they are using to observe it. It’s mentioned in the Vedas that limited ability of humans to see and feel things would further limit their observations. When Lord Krishna took Virat Roop, while bestowing Srimad Bhagwad Gita to Arjun, he gave Dviya Drishti (super eyes) and power to him because Arjun with limited capabilities of material body could not see or hear Lord Krishna teachings.
Bohr, Heisenberg and Schrödinger regularly read Vedic texts. Heisenberg stated, “Quantum theory will not look ridiculous to people who have read Vedanta.” Vedanta is the conclusion of Vedic thought.
Schrodinger wrote in his book Meine Weltansicht:
“This life of yours, which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is what the Brahmins [wise men or priests in the Vedic tradition] express in that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; tat tvam asi, this is you. Or, again, in such words as “I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world.”
ब्रह्मैवेदममृतं पुरस्तात् ब्रह्म पश्चात् ब्रह्म उत्तरतो दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरेण
अधश्चोर्ध्वं प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम् 2.2.11
This is a reference to the Mundaka Upanishad mantra (above) in which the Vedic understanding of the connectivity of living entities is put forward to help the Bhakta (practitioner of yoga) to understand the difference between the body and the living entity. How the real nature of the living entity is realized only in union with the source, the supreme being (Brahman/Krishna) through a platform of transcendental divine loving service.
Schrödinger, in speaking of a universe in which particles are represented by wave functions, said, “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics.  This is entirely consistent with the Vedanta concept of All in One.”
“The multiplicity is only apparent. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads. And not of the Upanishads only. The mystical experience of the union with God regularly leads to this view, unless strong prejudices stand in the West.” (Erwin Schrödinger, What is Life?, p. 129, Cambridge University Press) in his biography on Schrödinger, Moore wrote: “His system – or that of the Upanishads – is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all… He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naive.
Vedanta and gnosticism are beliefs likely to appeal to a mathematical physicist, a brilliant only child, tempted on occasion by intellectual pride. Such factors may help to explain why Schrödinger became a believer in Vedanta, but they do not detract from the importance of his belief as a foundation for his life and work. It would be simplistic to suggest that there is a direct causal link between his religious beliefs and his discoveries in theoretical physics, yet the unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In 1925, the world view of physics was a model of the universe as a great machine composed of separable interacting material particles, During the next few years, Schrödinger and Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on superimposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view would be entirely consistent with the vedantic concept of the All in One.” (Schrödinger: Life and Thought (Meine Weltansicht), p. 173)
In Schrödinger’s famous essay on determinism and free will, he expressed very clearly the sense that consciousness is a unity, arguing that this “insight is not new…From the early great Upanishads the recognition Atman = Brahman (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent, the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world. The striving of all the scholars of Vedanta was, after having learnt to pronounce with their lips, really to assimilate in their minds this grandest of all thoughts.”
According to Moore on page 125 of his biographical work, A Life of Erwin Schrödinger, Schrödinger found “Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves… The stages of human development are to strive for Possession (Artha), Knowledge (Dharma), Ability (Kama), Being (Moksha)… Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge. It has nothing to do with individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further – when man dies his karma lives and creates for itself another carrier.”
In the above quote clearly demonstrates Schrödinger’s firm belief in reincarnation and fruits or burdens of Karma carried forward in next births – concept of Vedas.
Based on his findings in Vedas, In 1935 Einstein Prodolsky and Rosen challenged Quantum Mechanics on the grounds that it was an incomplete formulation. They were the first authors to recognize that quantum mechanics is inherently non-local, which means it allows for instantaneous action across arbitrarily great distances. So an action in one place can instantly influence something on the other side of the universe in no time at all. This very powerful paper (The EPR paper) explaining Quantum Entanglement changed the world and alerted us to the magical implications of quantum mechanics’ metaphysical implications.
But, Einstein states in his letter from to Max Born, 3 March 1947, “Es gibt keine spukhafte Fernwirkung”  which translates to “There is no spooky action at a distance.” He did not believe in magic. He believed in science and would regularly read the Bhagavad-gita.  Einstein’s famous quote on the Bhagavad-gita is: “When I read the Bhagavad-gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.” He also wrote in his book The World as I See It, “I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research” (p. 24-28).
One thing that all this materialistic research has done is open up the doors for the world to look deeper into the validity of the Vedas. For, it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita,
“A mundaner 1) is sure to commit mistakes, 2) is invariably illusioned, 3) has the tendency to cheat others and 4) is limited by imperfect senses. With these four imperfections, one cannot deliver perfect information of all-pervading knowledge.”
So no matter how many experiments we conduct, we can never come to the absolute truth using imperfect instruments of perception, even if we have a super brain like Einstein or Schrödinger. For our very minds, thoughts and power of intelligence only work on the platform of time and space and are rendered defective from being subject to the four defects that the Bhagavad-gita mentions. So we must come to accept a higher authority, not a mundane person of the material world that is limited by his own imperfect senses and instruments in a laboratory. We must approach Krishna, the supreme god! We must give Him the credit for he is the supreme father of all Quantum processes that all these other men mentioned in this article are trying to understand. He established all the laws of nature and is controlling it; it is by His will that we will or will not ever understand.  For the Vedas are coming from Krishna and are ultimately meant to help us understand and love Krishna, the supreme being. The dry mental speculators and scientists try by their own limited power of intellect and observation to understand Krishna/God, unaware that Krishna is only known by those fortunate souls that serve Him in the mood of self-less love and ego-less surrender. Let us not forget, “God” means the all powerful; we cannot force the all powerful supreme personality to reveal Himself to us by our own limited strength and arrangements. Krishna is way above that. The scientific process to understand Krishna and the nature of the universe is to learn from a fully self-realized soul, like Srila Prabhupadaly co or great Sages of India who stay in secluded places – Himalayas or Jungles – but only come out during Kumbh Melas, to pay obeisance to Gods. By reading Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Srimad Bhagwat Puran, Vedas, chanting नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय, and the Hare Krishna Maha mantra, practicing celibacy (controlling the senses) if you are married or complete celibacy if you are single individual, we may purify our minds and hearts so that we become qualified to understand Lord Krishna’s consciousness and transcendental teachings and the Vedic literature and thus become part of the supreme being, Krishna.
Furthermore 300 years before Quantum Mechanics, Sir Isaac Newton came up with Classical Mechanics which describes very basic action and reaction. Newton’s entire work in Physics and Calculus was a complete theft from the Vedas and Kerala book of Calculus. It was simply taken shamelessly from the Vedas where it was originally used for calculating rates of change in Astronomy and Astrology for many thousands of years before Newton. His apple theory was as fake as his inventions to let world know how he ‘invented’ laws of gravity, because examples and incidences of gravity and anti-gravity were already in abundance in the great Vedas

Likes of Pythogoras and Archimedes Lifted theories from great Scripts based on Vedas

The greatest mathematics before the Golden Age of Greece was in India’s early Vedic (Hindu) civilization. The Vedics understood relationships between geometry and arithmetic, developed astronomy, astrology, calendars, and used mathematical forms in some religious rituals.The earliest mathematician to whom definite teachings can be ascribed was Lagadha, who apparently lived about 1300 BC and used geometry and elementary trigonometry for his astronomy. Baudhayana lived about 800 BC and also wrote on algebra and geometry; Yajnavalkya lived about the same time and is credited with the then-best approximation to π. Apastambha did work summarized below; other early Vedic mathematicians solved quadratic and simultaneous equations.Other early cultures also developed some mathematics. The ancient Mayans apparently had a place-value system with zero again seen in Vedas and later known to the world by great Aryabhatt; Aztec architecture implies practical geometry skills. Ancient China certainly developed mathematics, though little written evidence survives prior to Chang Tshang’s famous book. Chang Tshang before writing book, gained great Vedic wisdom when he arrived in India.
The Dharmasutra composed by Apastambha (ca 630-560 BC) from India contains mensuration techniques, novel geometric construction techniques, a method of elementary algebra, and what may be the first known proof after 800 BC of Sulbha Sutra which form the basis of plagiarized version better known as Pythagorean Theorem. Apastambha’s work uses the excellent (continued fraction) approximation √2 ≈ 577/408, a result probably derived with a geometric argument.
Apastambha built on the work of earlier Vedic scholars, especially Baudhayana, as well as Harappan and (probably) Mesopotamian mathematicians. His notation and proofs were made primitive by westerners, and there is little certainty about his life. However similar comments apply to Thales of Miletus, so it seems fair to mention Apastambha (who was perhaps the most creative Vedic mathematician before Panini) along with Thales as one of the earliest mathematicians whose name is known.
Eudoxus journeyed widely for his education far east where he found powerful knowledge of Vedas, despite that he was not wealthy, studying mathematics with Archytas in Tarentum, medicine with Philiston in Sicily, philosophy with Plato in Athens, continuing his mathematics study in Egypt, touring the Eastern Mediterranean with his own students and finally returned to Cnidus where he established himself as astronomer, physician, and ethicist. What is known of him is second-hand, through the writings of Euclid and others, but he was one of the most creative mathematicians of the ancient world next to Indian Sages.
Many of the theorems in Euclid’s Elements were first proved by Eudoxus. While Pythagoras had been horrified by the discovery of irrational numbers, Eudoxus is famous for incorporating them into arithmetic. He also developed the earliest techniques of the infinitesimal calculus; he is credited with first use of the Axiom of Archimedes, which avoids Zeno’s paradoxes by, in effect, forbidding infinities and infinitesimals; yet he also developed a method of taking limits. Eudoxus’ work with irrational numbers and infinitesimals may have helped inspire such masters as Archimedes and Dedekind. Eudoxus also introduced an Axiom of Continuity; he was a pioneer in solid geometry; and he developed his own solution to the Delian cube-doubling problem.
Eudoxus was the first great mathematical astronomer; he developed the complicated ancient theory of planetary orbits; and may have invented the astrolabe. (It is sometimes said that he knew that the Earth rotates around the Sun, but that appears to be false; it is instead Aristarchus of Samos, as cited by Archimedes, who may be the first “heliocentrist.”)
Four of Eudoxus’ most famous discoveries were the volume of a cone, extension of arithmetic to the irrationals, summing formula for geometric series, and viewing π as the limit of polygonal perimeters. None of these seems difficult today, but it does seem remarkable that they were all first achieved by the same man, due to his access to Vedas. Eudoxus has been quoted as saying “Willingly would I burn to death like Phaeton, were this the price for reaching the sun and learning its shape, its size and its substance.”
Long before Eudoxus’ -  In the valley of the Indus River of India, the world’s oldest civilization had developed its own system of mathematics. The Vedic Shulba Sutras (fifth to eighth century B.C.E.), meaning “codes of the rope,” show that the earliest geometrical and mathematical investigations among the Indians arose from certain requirements of their religious rituals. When the poetic vision of the Vedic seers was externalized in symbols, rituals requiring altars and precise measurement became manifest, providing a means to the attainment of the unmanifest world of consciousness. “Shulba Sutras” is the name given to those portions or supplements of the Kalpasutras, which deal with the measurement and construction of the different altars or arenas for religious rites. The word shulba refers to the ropes used to make these measurements.
The similarity between Shulbha Sutra and Pythogoras
The diagonal chord of the rectangle makes both the squares that the horizontal and vertical sides make separately.
— Sulba Sutra
(8th century B.C.)
The complete lift off version of Sulbha Sutras by Pythagoras.
The square of the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
— Pythagorean Theorem
(6th century B.C.)

One Good Follower of Vedas Was Hidden from The World

One of the most genius scientist was Nikola Tesla, a super genius Serbian. Tesla, along with the others mentioned above, knew that the ancient Indian Brahmans (wise men), well equipped with knowledge from the Vedas, had understandings of the intricate laws, mathematical formulas and subtle workings of the universe that far surpass anything we can even imagine today.
Nikola Tesla was introduced to the Vedas by Swami Vivekanand Ji after he asked SwamiJi to enlighten him on spiritual connections and why western scientists were praising, while talking all about the Vedic texts.
Tesla was far more noble than all western scientists combined. He was so impressed with Vedas that he internalized one of its great teaching – that the resources of universe and nature are for all. Nikola Tesla wanted to keep electricity free, which US govt strongly opposed. Much of Tesla’s life and work has been erased from history due to this mastermind inventor and scientist wanting to make the fruits of all his work available for free to the world (google “free energy Tesla” and you will know more truth). Fortunately or Unfortunately, because he was not trying to use his genius for profiteering and exploiting others he was met with one setback after another. His grants and funding were constantly being revoked by those that control the economy and trade. Nikola Tesla taking original knowledge from Vedas, invented many things that we all use on a daily basis but most people have never even heard of him because his name was removed from common history (just like much of the teaching of the Vedas) and he was eventually murdered. He knew too much and wanted to share it freely for the betterment of mankind (just like the Vedas), not to exploit it. Unfortunately not everyone saw eye to eye with him.
Tesla understood the great power of Zero Point Field or Akasha or Ether: the power of space between the electrons and the nucleus. Swami VivekandaJi’s effect on Tesla was so great that he became vegetarian, celibate and started using Sanskrit words. He died with his scalar energy science in his head, because he did NOT want the US military to use it to destroy the planet. No wonder he was denied the Nobel prize and eventually killed. Knowledge is power, and there are many people that want all the power for themselves. Tesla wanted to give power to everyone for free! He was actually the first person to figure out how to make radio communication possible across the Atlantic ocean. But because he wanted to make this ability free for others his funding was stopped and the credit was later given to someone else (Marconi) that played the power game better than him.
Here is just a partial list of some of Tesla’s contributions to the world based on his research and experiments from Vedas, that he had not been given credit for:
Alternating Current -AC electricity (Thomas Edison literally stole his ideas from him and took the credit for for it).
Radio (Marconi just robbed the ideas and work of Tesla and got the credit for it).
Hydro-electricity (Tesla Built the first Hydro-electric power plant at Niagara falls As a result we see whats there now)
Resonant frequency (every one else figured it out 50 yeas later)
Fluorescent and Neon lighting
The induction motor
The rotating magnetic field (precursor to gyroscope)
Arc lighting
Tesla coil
Encryption technology and scrambler
Wireless communication and power transmission
remote control
Telegeodynamics (a way to search for metals and minerals)
Tachometer and speedometer
Refrigeration machines
Bladeless turbines and pumps
Cryogenic engineering
reactive jet dirigible (precursor to Harrier jet)
Hovercraft Flivver plane (precursor to Osprey helicopter/aircraft)
Particle-beam weapons (precursor to Starwars)
Likewise in ancient India, some selective greatest teachings were passed to the deserving Sages verbally, which remain stored in their memories, so that the power of knowledge is not misused by demonic beings referring to texts, if it were written. Only those knowledge which were helpful for mankind were passed to common human beings. True to this belief of Vedas, all Tesla’s engineering was done in his head, he never worked things out on paper or used scale models to come to a functioning final result. He was truly empowered by Lord Krishna. Things would appear in his head and he would simply record it exactly as it came to him, similar to Beethoven.
Below is a picture of the tower, Tesla built in the early 1900s in Shoreham, New York referred to as “Wardenclyffe.” This tower was proposed to be a model for more of these towers located around the world to provide free wireless energy to everyone. Upon J.P. Morgan’s finding out it was not equipped with any type of meter to monitor who was using how much of the energy it provided and was thus not for profit he ripped Tesla’s funding out from under him and the tower was torn down.
Tesla lived to be 86 years old. He was 6 ft. 2 in. (1.88 m) tall and reported to be strikingly handsome. He was also a celibate his whole life. This goes in line with the teachings of the Vedas that Tesla and other master minds were familiar with. The Vedas recommend for yogis, and those wanting super intelligence and inner power, to conserve their own divine energy by observing celibacy. As Tesla himself has said, “The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.” & “Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world.”
Now ask yourself why don’t we learn about the Vedas in school? Instead we are blindfolded and told it is all just some hindu “mythology.” Not just by your governments but also Indian governments. Infact, some of these scientists were grateful to Indians for restoring Vedic knowledge even after being invaded by barbaric mughals and cruel brtishers – being under seige for over 800 years. For the same reason, we were never taught about real achievements of Mr. Nikola Tesla and some of other like-minded great scholars, scientists who we may never know since they were removed from the history for vested interests.
If entire world population knows the truth about Vedic principles and theories, then this world could become heaven void of corruption and greed.
If milking of Vedic knowledge is stopped from making profit then human race can develop  immensely in leaps and bounds – technologically, physically, mentally and spiritually – devoid of misery, deceit and hatred.
Vedic knowledge was for the betterment of mankind but it was milked for generation of revenues by governments, inventors and scientists. Billions of world population are being robbed off this great heritage of human race by few thousands of thieves, who are part of this race. What a pity …!

Videos depicting greatness of India and her great Vedic heritage

India – The Birthplace of Physics, Chemistry and Religion
